Quizlet Users: Moving to Dropbox or Google Drive

Quizlet Users: Moving to Dropbox or Google Drive

Postby Ernie » Tue May 16, 2017 9:59 pm

Since Quizlet support will likely be going away soon, I recommend users move their flashcards to either Dropbox or Google Drive.

The below web page describes how to export your downloaded-from-Quizlet flashcards to either Dropbox or Google Drive... while also creating a new link between the deck and Dropbox or Google Drive (by updating the "Deck Code").

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Re: Quizlet Users: Moving to Dropbox or Google Drive

Postby Capricorn » Mon May 22, 2017 7:33 am

Why isn't Flashcards Deluxe not able to load my Cards from Quizlet any longer? I could not find any information that they are closing down their API. The only think I could imagine is due to point "II. 1" of their [url="https://quizlet.com/api/2.0/docs/tos"]API TOS[/url], but that kind of renders there API useless anyway...

I personally really like your application, but entering contents always was a little messy with Drive, Dropbox or the page on the FCD website. Using Cram or now Quizlet is a much more user friendly solution, especially when it comes to styling with HTML and media attachments (images).
Are there any plans to integrate another online flashcard service into the FCD app or enhance the website editor?

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Re: Quizlet Users: Moving to Dropbox or Google Drive

Postby Ernie » Wed May 24, 2017 5:13 am

Quizlet ToS:
I. 8. Non-commerciality. Use of the Quizlet API is permitted for non-commercial use only.

They contacted me directly and told me they were shutting off access.

You can format using Excel/Dropbox and Google Drive.
The main downside I see is that media handling might be more cumbersome than using Quizlet.

I do hope to create my own Flashcard Creation tool, either as a website or as PC/Mac apps. I'm working towards this. Out of curiosity, do you have any problem with using a Win 10 app or a Mac program instead of a website?
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Re: Quizlet Users: Moving to Dropbox or Google Drive

Postby DB3 » Wed May 24, 2017 10:03 am

Mac program FTW!!! :D

Just the thought of actionable desktop notifications sends shudders down my spine! :mrgreen:
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Re: Quizlet Users: Moving to Dropbox or Google Drive

Postby sigi » Mon Jun 19, 2017 8:21 am

Hey there,

is there a chance that Quizlet will reallow access to his website to upload to flashcards app?
If not, are you working on a corresponding website? All the other uploading options are extremely odd...

Re: Quizlet Users: Moving to Dropbox or Google Drive

Postby Ernie » Tue Jun 20, 2017 7:41 am


No, I don't think Quizlet will reverse course.

I would like to eventually create a website or app similar to Quizlet to enter flashcards, but this will be a big project and take time (e.g. sometime in 2018).

If you are using a computer, have you tried using a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel) or use Google Drive. I think it's a great solution once you get the hang of it. The downside is if you have pictures, it's probably a little more cumbersome to have to enter the file names into your list.
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Re: Quizlet Users: Moving to Dropbox or Google Drive

Postby 16EKCA » Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:34 pm

Does anyone know of anyway to get pictures into excel in a simple way from quizlet?

The specific quizlet I have in mind is called "AP Calculus Flash Cards" by rblaha

The raw text that I generated using Anki Flashcards (on desktop PC) with an addon:

1 " <div><img src=""quizlet-rHkcP3mwlDLqBnnBxhKqsw_m.jpg"" /></div> "
0 " <div><img src=""quizlet-ZcP0-Nivp4jdwRs5323saQ_m.jpg"" /></div> "
Squeeze Theorem " <div><img src=""quizlet-geYTX87OD7PcU6adDbaCBw_m.jpg"" /></div> "
f is continuous at x=c if... " <div><img src=""quizlet-VaL16WBuFvbwg18s7j5pYA_m.jpg"" /></div> "
Intermediate Value Theorem If f is continuous on [a,b] and k is a number between f(a) and f(b), then there exists at least one number c such that f(c)=k
Global Definition of a Derivative " <div><img src=""quizlet-RC8zyZG3lDgwe54rGVEZ3g_m.jpg"" /></div> "
Alternative Definition of a Derivative "f '(x) is the limit of the following difference quotient as x approaches c <div><img src=""quizlet-cbMIVoSOHla7R1Iw90-viQ_m.jpg"" /></div> "
nx^(n-1) " <div><img src=""quizlet-Yp03Acixg25_NpjZshK6Qw_m.jpg"" /></div> "
1 " <div><img src=""quizlet-qeSJSudegC87SQZYCiF3ow_m.jpg"" /></div> "
cf'(x) " <div><img src=""quizlet-sIKS93mYAiB_jQP_xxqHng_m.jpg"" /></div> "
f'(x)+g'(x) " <div><img src=""quizlet-dA2_rKsI3phREFF45iPXdw_m.jpg"" /></div> "
The position function OR s(t) " <div><img src=""quizlet-tWjt5jIhFIlO4ASCEhD9Hw_m.jpg"" /></div> "
f'(x)-g'(x) " <div><img src=""quizlet-YtCzWfpLRMTmnHhci8mj6g_m.jpg"" /></div> "
uvw'+uv'w+u'vw " <div><img src=""quizlet-z3DDyun1kKvnzPmujiA8iw_m.jpg"" /></div> "
cos(x) " <div><img src=""quizlet-qDzYi0UnNRLlPaaykIyGhQ_m.jpg"" /></div> "
-sin(x) " <div><img src=""quizlet-46dvO8Jq1Toa7W0rCRSPjw_m.jpg"" /></div> "

Any help would be appreciated!


Re: Quizlet Users: Moving to Dropbox or Google Drive

Postby Ernie » Thu Aug 24, 2017 7:42 am


You first need to figure out how to create a set with pictures using a spreadsheet on your PC and transfer to the app. For instructions on this, see the section "creating your own decks" on my website: http://orangeorapple.com/Flashcards/

Let me know if you need more guidance with it.

I'm not sure what your specific problem is with the Quizlet text you are showing. I don't have any magic way to clean up the text. Pasting into Excel, you can probably use some formulas to help split up the questions and answer pictures. The picture name isn't a complete URL. By looking on their website, first image's full URL is as follows:

I don't know if all of the pictures will follow this same pattern, but you can give it a try.

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Re: Quizlet Users: Moving to Dropbox or Google Drive

Postby kevingpo » Tue Sep 19, 2017 9:04 am

Ernie wrote:Quizlet ToS:
I. 8. Non-commerciality. Use of the Quizlet API is permitted for non-commercial use only.

They contacted me directly and told me they were shutting off access.

You can format using Excel/Dropbox and Google Drive.
The main downside I see is that media handling might be more cumbersome than using Quizlet.

I do hope to create my own Flashcard Creation tool, either as a website or as PC/Mac apps. I'm working towards this. Out of curiosity, do you have any problem with using a Win 10 app or a Mac program instead of a website?

So basically, since FCD is a commerical program, it is not permitted to use the quizlet APIs, etc.
But what if you wrote a separate program (which is independent of FCD) that can batch export quizlet sets, and import/copy-to Google Drive/Dropbox? That would work no?
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Re: Quizlet Users: Moving to Dropbox or Google Drive

Postby Ernie » Wed Sep 20, 2017 12:26 am

"But what if you wrote a separate program (which is independent of FCD) that can batch export quizlet sets, and import/copy-to Google Drive/Dropbox? That would work no?"

That is a very interesting comment. Let me contact Quizlet and see what they say.
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Re: Quizlet Users: Moving to Dropbox or Google Drive

Postby kevingpo » Wed Sep 20, 2017 2:37 am

Ernie wrote:"But what if you wrote a separate program (which is independent of FCD) that can batch export quizlet sets, and import/copy-to Google Drive/Dropbox? That would work no?"

That is a very interesting comment. Let me contact Quizlet and see what they say.

It has to be a separate self-contained program which isn't dependent on FCD (ie, not a addon or plugin).
If quizlet says their APIs only for educational, non-commercial use, then logically someone writing a "FREE" batch exporter and import/copy-to Google Drive,Dropbox seems very legally allowed.

Feature requests of this "FREE" batch exporter:

Exporting from quizlet produces clean plain text.
Exporting from FCD to Dropbox produces headers and card statistics.
Could have options to export clean fresh (wiping previous statistics if they exist in FCD's exports)
... or merge.
Could intelligently handle skewed or re-ordered lines/cards? - allowing user to re-order to new quizlet order, or keep original order?
Sometimes I edit my FCD's cards (which were quizlet exports)... to suit my needs, eg. clarifying cards, typos, etc. - would be handy if the batch exporter flags differences and allow us to ignore/edit/update manually.
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Re: Quizlet Users: Moving to Dropbox or Google Drive

Postby Ernie » Fri Nov 03, 2017 7:15 am

I got a response from Quizlet and it sounds like anything like what we want to do would not be acceptable to them.
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Re: Quizlet Users: Moving to Dropbox or Google Drive

Postby kevingpo » Fri Nov 03, 2017 7:37 am

Ernie wrote:I got a response from Quizlet and it sounds like anything like what we want to do would not be acceptable to them.

That's not fair. It could've been an automatic response because they fear competitors.
If you re-read my logical reasoning, I've seen the Quizlet API and they offer hobbyist programmers to write non-commercial 3rd party programs to interface with quizlet.
So, like I said, you can write a "free" standalone app yourself.

just as long as you don't mention any connections between FCD and your free app.
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Re: Quizlet Users: Moving to Dropbox or Google Drive

Postby Ernie » Wed Nov 30, 2022 2:39 pm

For some quick documentation:

Quizlet removed the “export” option for OTHER USER'S sets.

The only workaround I could figure out:
Click the “Save and Edit” button to left of “…” button.
This will allow you to copy set to YOUR flashcards. (You can make private)
After creating your personal copy, you can export your own flashcards using the Export button.

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Re: Quizlet Users: Moving to Dropbox or Google Drive

Postby Guest » Mon Feb 05, 2024 7:59 am

Quizlet related- I see the instructions on importing from quizlet, and it says text only. Does it mean, it's not possible to import quizlet set that includes pictures? Or is there a work around?

Re: Quizlet Users: Moving to Dropbox or Google Drive

Postby Ernie » Fri Feb 09, 2024 12:11 pm

Hi. Sorry for the slow response. Correct, I don't know to export Quizlet flashcards with pictures. They don't seem to support this feature. I don't know a workaround.
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