What's Up - May 2011

What's Up - May 2011

Postby Ernie » Tue May 17, 2011 5:32 am

I've got two main items in the pipeline: TTS (text to speech) and multiple choice.

I've already begun working on TTS. If I could just use Google's translation services, I could have this done in a week, but there are complications so this doesn't appear to be a good solution as of now. I'm planning on licensing some other TTS software and running the service on my own server, which presents its own challenges. (This software has the following languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish. Unfortunately, no German, so I'll try another approach for German.) Nothing appears straightforward here, so I'll probably roll this TTS stuff out quietly in "beta" form and ramp up usage over time in order to hopefully be able to support the demand.

Multiple choice won't be started until a little later. While I'm not a big fan of multiple choice, it will offer the ability for games within the app, such as "beat your last score" or "how fast are you", which will be cool.

I get pulled in many different directions, so I will try to focus on these two as much as possible to get this out!
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