What's Up - March 2013

What's Up - March 2013

Postby Ernie » Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:43 pm

Lately I've been bogged down with trying to implement at sync-between-devices feature. I've been putting this off for a year or so because I knew it would be difficult, and my prediction has held true. The good news is that it's been coded (version 1.0) and it seems to be working fine now. My bad news is that I'm afraid it's a bit more complicated than the average user is going to want to deal with. Now it's time to get some feedback from other users.

I expect I'll have the current version finalized in 3 weeks. In addition to the sync, it will contain wide variety of smaller updates to the app.

My next big project for the following update will probably be a revamped "shared library", allowing people to join groups and share flashcards easily within the group (including private sets).

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