max 100 words (characters?) in text field

max 100 words (characters?) in text field

Postby dawangumu » Sun Jan 05, 2025 4:52 am

With a group of people we are devloping flashcards. One of us gets an error when she uploads a deck with text with more than 100 words (or characters - I'm not sure). I cannot replicate the problem, I can upload very long texts without any errors. What might be the cause of this problem?

FYI She is using Alt+Enter in exel to force a line break. De upload is copy/paste from exel.
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Re: max 100 words (characters?) in text field

Postby Ernie » Sun Jan 05, 2025 9:27 am

There might be a limit of 100 characters for a Category. Is the text in column 4? Without a header, the app assumes the text in column 4 is Category 1. If this is the case, include a header on the first row telling the app what's in each column. For example:
Text 1 | Text 2 | Text 3 | Text 4

| = new cell
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Re: max 100 words (characters?) in text field

Postby Ernie » Sun Jan 05, 2025 9:32 am

Other possible issues:

Quotes can mess things up when there new lines in cells. If you use a double-quote, you need to use them in pairs. Importing using OneDrive or Dropbox would not have this issue.

What also may be going on is they have a tab in one of their cells in Excel? This will be interpreted as a new column and mess things up. This would likely only happen if they are copy-pasting from another source that contains tabs.
You can use a formula to search for tabs if this might be the case.

CHAR(9) is the code for a tab.
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Re: max 100 words (characters?) in text field

Postby Guest » Mon Jan 06, 2025 1:14 am

Thank you for your replies!! We'll use the information to check what goes wrong.

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