Data Shared Library

Data Shared Library

Postby dawangumu » Sun Dec 15, 2024 1:10 pm

I want to use the Shared Library to share decks with other students. How long does the content of a Shared Library deck stay on the server? Is it removed after a couple of weeks?
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Re: Data Shared Library

Postby Ernie » Tue Dec 17, 2024 9:17 am

The Shared Library is permanent storage.

FYI, if your flashcards are private (not public), you can create a password protected group and create one or more "join codes" which you can share with others that will allow them to join your group and download your private sets without creating a Shared Library account.
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Re: Data Shared Library

Postby Guest » Sat Dec 21, 2024 3:28 am

Hi Ernie, thank you for your reply. If I understand you correctly I can start a Shared Library and I can give other peoiple acces tot my Shared Library through "join codes" and they dont have to become member of that library. Is that correct? Or is 'join codes' a system where you can share deckst without a library at all?

I also understood that I can upload the decks from the app on my smartphone to the Shared Library. Is the upload with formatting done in the app. For example does the shared deck include backgrounds?

Re: Data Shared Library

Postby dawangumu » Sat Dec 21, 2024 1:12 pm

Thank you for your reply!

If I understand you correctly: I can open a Shared Library and other people can donwload decks with 'join codes'. Or is join codes a way of sharing decks without a Shared Library?

If I upload a deck from the app on my smartphone with some formatting. For example another background color. Is the formatting included in the deck when it is downloaded. Or is the deck neutral black with white text and is the formatting not included?
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Re: Data Shared Library

Postby Ernie » Sun Dec 22, 2024 4:44 pm

A join code is used to allow other users to join a private group in the shared library. You would need to create and account, and during the upload to Shared Library process, create a group with a password, and assign the group to the deck before uploading. You can then go to the group edit screen and create one or more join codes. A join code can be used by another person without creating a shared library account. In the Shared Library add deck screen, they should enter the code to join your group.

As far as formatting goes, card theme's (background colors), don't get exported to shared library. Sorry. Many "deck options" don't get exported by default, so user gets a "default" experience. I think font colors always do. When you upload to shared library, you have an option in the advanced menu to "export additional deck options". By default, settings like "card order" and multiple choice/spelling on/off are not exported. But turning this advanced setting on will allow most of the "deck options" to be exported to share library.
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