New formating possibilities would be appreciated! 🤩

New formating possibilities would be appreciated! 🤩

Postby Mark » Fri Nov 29, 2024 3:59 am

Hi, first of all I'd like to say that I love your app. I use it for about ten years now.

As a visual learner I want to ask for a few other possibilities to format text.
In my new foreign language I already use the font color (for translations in different languages and the akkusative case), bold (feminin nouns), underlined (in genitive case), sub and sup (lenition and eclipse). But I would love to mark other characteristics like, seperated verbs, dative case ....

Maybe you could add highlighting, lines above the text or others. Is it possible to change the font of just a few letters in a word?

Greetings from Germany

Re: New formating possibilities would be appreciated! 🤩

Postby Ernie » Sun Dec 01, 2024 12:16 pm

Hi Mark,

I'm glad you are finding the app useful. Thanks!

For the formatting you currently do, I think you can do all of that in Excel (and have it transfer), or you can do it all in HTML. For any other formatting, HTML would be required. I'm not sure how you are currently doing it.

To highlight with yellow background, you can use the <mark> tag. In the example below, "two" will be highlighted:
one <mark>two</mark> three

A horizontal line (across entire screen), use:

If you want to add a line above some text, the HTML would be:
<span style="text-decoration: overline:>this text has overline</span>

I'm not sure how well change fonts will work. Mainly because I don't know the font-family to use (what is supported) on iOS and Android. But I think something like this might work:
<span style="font-family: 'Courier New'">new font</span>

Sorry I don't have an easier way to do this. But most standard HTML formatting should work.
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Re: New formating possibilities would be appreciated! 🤩

Postby Mark » Sun Dec 01, 2024 1:11 pm

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

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