Sync decks across devices

Mon Dec 28, 2020 6:50 am
by Catdq
I have the app on my iPhone and iPad but can’t sync the account across the two devices meaning that my progress and decks I create are only available on one device unless I upload them then download them which is a very lengthy process when you don’t have access to a PC. Anyone have any suggestions to fix this?
Re: Sync decks across devices

Thu Dec 31, 2020 3:34 am
by Ernie
There is a sync feature you can turn on. From the deck listing screen ("Decks"), tap gear icon at top-left to get to Global Options.
Tap "Sync"
Tap "App Server".
Here you can create an account.
On the device with the latest version of your deck, go to "decks to sync" and turn on sync for deck(s) and sync to the server.
On your other device, go to "decks to sync" and chose the deck that already in the cloud and sync that (download) from cloud to device.
These two versions (one on each device) should now be synced automatically.