fonts for other languages

fonts for other languages

Postby GH » Sat Aug 02, 2014 2:57 pm

Is it possible to change the font in which the cards display? The program is absolutely wonderful in every other way, but I'm using it to study Greek, and there are a number of Greek characters (e.g. any vowels with circumflexes or breathing marks) that won't show up at all in the default font. I haven't been able to find any option to change the font, but am I perhaps just missing something?

Re: fonts for other languages

Postby GH » Sat Aug 02, 2014 5:24 pm

Please disregard this thread. Turns out the problem is with my tablet. Apparently NOOK tablets can't display Greek fonts. :|

The app is great, though!!

Re: fonts for other languages

Postby Ernie » Sun Aug 03, 2014 8:35 pm

Hi. You should be able to install custom fonts. Find the help screen and search for "Custom Fonts" which should provide instructions. I've included the instructions below.

You can find a greek font here:

Let me know if you need more guidance.


Custom Fonts

While Android's built in fonts are somewhat limited, you can install your own custom fonts through a USB cable:

1) Attach the device to your computer and find the following directory on your device:
\Android\data\com.orangeorapple.flashcards\files\Fonts(You may need to instruct the device to mount as a disk drive when attaching to computer.)

2) Copy your font files to this "Fonts" directory. Font files must have either a .ttf or .otf extension.

3) Restart the app then choose the font the standard way in the Deck Options screen.
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Re: fonts for other languages

Postby plotinus » Thu Aug 14, 2014 7:13 am

I'm studying ancient Greek as well. Displaying greek font in iOS works perfectly, but in android there's trouble with accented vowels. As a teacher with iOS-device I'd like to preview the android-system and font in order to help my students with android. Is there a simple online solution which simulates an android device, so I can test the FD-app without having to buy a real device?
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Re: fonts for other languages

Postby Ernie » Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:25 am


There is a popular Android emulator for PC called BlueStacks. This might be a possibility. I don't like the program though because 1) it auto-runs a bunch a background processes that are always running and 2) it doesn't work on my Windows 8.1 machine. I've had limited success on a Mac.

I don't know of another way to test, other than one of these emulators.

If you want, email me the text and a screenshot of something that doesn't display correctly. I'd be interested in trying out myself on iOS and Android.

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Re: fonts for other languages

Postby plotinus » Wed Sep 24, 2014 2:16 pm

My student could install a Greek polytonic font on his android, finally. And it worked perfectly, thanks for your advice!
Though, when adding just another stack, he told me that he must install that font again for this new stack. Is this really true? Each stack needs adding his own font on android?
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Re: fonts for other languages

Postby Ernie » Fri Sep 26, 2014 11:32 am


You shouldn't have to install the font file again. The font file goes into a Fonts directory, which is shared by all decks.

You do need to change the font in the font selection screen for each deck though. Once the file is installed, it should show up in the list for all decks.
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Re: fonts for other languages

Postby plotinus » Tue Sep 30, 2014 7:23 am

Ernie wrote:You do need to change the font in the font selection screen for each deck though. Once the file is installed, it should show up in the list for all decks

Just reviewed. You're right, thank you once again!
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Re: fonts for other languages

Postby Guest » Mon Dec 02, 2024 4:53 pm

Hi I posted recently about latex. I understand your decision. MathJax renders well, which is great. I was wondering, is there a way to specfically change the font of the text that is rendered by MathJax? I was able to change the regular font. But the MathJax font did not change. Do I have to do anything specifically do change that or is it not available?

Thanks again for this app! It's really helping me through grad school.

Re: fonts for other languages

Postby Ernie » Wed Dec 04, 2024 2:34 pm

I looked into this and I don't know how fonts work in MathJax. There might be support for a few select, supported fronts, but I need to do it on my end and 1) I'm not sure it will work with my simplistic approach to how I support MathJax and 2) I think it will be too much work (if possible) for the likely small benefit it will provide to my users. Sorry about that.
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