Rainer wrote:I tried to provide Overhead transparencies for my (chemistry) students using this way. The idea behind was simple. Every second student comes with an iPhone.
But to make the story short: I failed. 2.99 € was too much. To be honest, I was deeply disappointed. The mentioned amount of money is nearly nothing in comparison to the iPhone itself or even in comparison to one single cup of coffee during the lecture breaks.
To avoid any misunderstanding: the App is far from being too expensive.It's rather too cheap!!
Sad state of affairs when we can buy our kids iPhones (or give them our hand-me-downs so we can buy ourselves the newest version!) but won’t pony up for an educational app. On the flip-side; could it be a communications thing? Kids want apps all the time and many parents disable their childrens’ ability to buy them because they get out of control. Maybe it’s not that the parents won’t support educational enhancements, but it’s the fact that the kids went home and said “I’ve got to buy an app for school...” and they didn’t quite believe their children?
Anywho - I use this app (initially) for rote memorization of testable topics. Hopefully I’ll also leverage it for more fun and interesting stuff (languages) later on.