survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby Katja from Hamburg » Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:41 pm

Hi all,
I like to start a list reasons to use this app as I assume there is more than "only" simple language.
We all know the benefits of this app, I am looking more for the kind of learning stuff.

let's start with me:
I use FCD to learn SquareDance definitions. Whereas Mainstream, Plus and Advance is not much to learn, with Challenge you need to keep a lot of details and remember them also after long time not dancing it.

Perhaps other User like to add their subject of learning.
Katja from Hamburg
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Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby kraemder » Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:06 am

I use it for studying Japanese. I guess that's "only" for studying Japanese heh.
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Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby Katja from Hamburg » Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:33 am

sorry for "only" ;-)
I have the highest respect for learning language especially when own alphabet/sign is to be learn as well.
"only" was referring to "language is first thing come in to my mind for using flashcards". But I know there is more. e.g. about one year ago a user wrote that he use FCD to get prepared for his taxi licence.
Katja from Hamburg
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Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby Rainer » Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:48 am

I tried to provide Overhead transparencies for my (chemistry) students using this way. The idea behind was simple. Every second student comes with an iPhone.
But to make the story short: I failed. 2.99 € was too much. To be honest, I was deeply disappointed. The mentioned amount of money is nearly nothing in comparison to the iPhone itself or even in comparison to one single cup of coffee during the lecture breaks.

To avoid any misunderstanding: the App is far from being too expensive.It's rather too cheap!!

Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby GLAD1981 » Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:09 am

I'm rehearsing for a French competitive exam, and specifically for a test named "culture générale" (~ general knowledge).
The test is a 5 hour long essay on a random subject. It can be history, philosophy, sociology, geography, literature, French and European politics and institutions, art... The only restriction is the XIX XXth century period.
With the program being so ridiculously large, I'm trying to fill the most shameful gaps in my education by creating flashcards on the most important events and people in those fields.
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Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby Lat » Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:32 am

I am studying Thai. Just copy words and expressions from another great app (Thai dict) and paste here, creating a super, sometimes 3-4 side cards (3rd side I usually keep for examples and expressions. :)
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Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby Apple-girl » Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:27 am

I use it to study English (mainly new words). I made my own cards and download words from quizlet.
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Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby Tamori » Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:26 am

Using the app to try to drill Chinese characters and vocabulary into my brain.

Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby none » Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:47 pm

Studying for comptia certifications!!

Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby Anon » Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:00 pm

Using it to study for the bar exam here. Thanks for the app, really appreciate it.

Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby norbert » Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:55 pm

Studying Japanese, around hundred decks, more than 10000 cards with different views (combo decks) onto them:
- kanji readings
- kanji writing
- kanji compound readings
- vocabulary Japanese -> German
- vocabulary German -> Japanese
- grammar
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Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby Guest » Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:52 am

I'm using it to study for my bar exam ...

And it is awesome!!

Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby Guest » Thu Jul 19, 2012 1:08 pm

I used FCD to study for the Associate Safety Professional (ASP) exam - 5 hour exam covering a variety of safety topics and math problems. FCD really helped me remember the math formulas and definitions. Worked so much better for me than standard 3x5 flashcards. Didn't have to carry the actual cards around and could study in little bits of time anywhere. And I passed my test!!

I'm now using FCD to study for the LEED Green Associate exam and will use for the Certified Safety Professional (CSP) exam later this year.

Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby heme-onc » Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:54 pm

Using it to study oncology...with so many new cancer medicines coming out there's a lot to stay on top of!!

Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby Don » Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:45 pm

I use FCD for...

- learning programming language constructs and tricks (Python at the moment)
>>> D = dict(zip(['a', 'b', 'c'], [0, 1, 2])
>>> D

{'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 2}

- reading the Bible (I create clozes and do chapter after chapter in the books I'm studying)
Front: 5 or so consecutive verses with a specific word removed.
Back: the reference of the passage and the word

Mastering Books:
I'll scan and OCR the book, then put each paragraph into FCD in order. As I read through the cards in order, I turn them into clozes and eliminate all the unnecessary stuff that I don't want to remember. This ends up being an incremental process that I end up mastering the book. It takes time, so you have to be very choosy on your material.

I probably have other decks, too, but these are the three I spend the most time doing. Writing this causes me to think I should write another post on a feature request.

Ernie is awesome!!

Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby Don » Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:59 pm

I forgot my sons. I also create math flashcards for them that they enjoy. My son was confused on Roman numbers and he sorted that out very quickly after I created increasing difficult flashcards. I actually created the cards (more quickly) in Anki, then exported them and read them into FCD. I'm thinking that we'll create a deck of about 20 cards per math lesson this coming year so that they master their math.

Saturn is a huge planet, but Jupiter is even bigger!!

Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby kaisaru » Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:27 am

I use it to study Chinese. I use Pleco for Chinese flashcards but Flashcards Deluxe is great for being able to slip my iphone into my pocket and just listen to random vocab sets. It is also fantastic for practicing grammar and sentence translation. I use Google Docs to maintain these and download the audio in the app.

Additionally, I downloaded some geography quizzes - US states with various geographic datum, countries of the world and the provinces of China. My knowledge of all have improved thanks to FCD!

In the future, I'll probably use it for Japanese, as well as any other flashcard-able data that I need to commit to memory.
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Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby philosopherdog » Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:24 am

I'm using it to study web development. The one glitch with FCD is that it likes html encoding. So, I've had to work around that one. One thing I really love is the ability to have the little write window where I practice writing out little bits of code to make them sink in. That's a brilliant feature. I've been using the dropbox method with a text document. A long time ago I used supermemo, but I spent most of my time trying to learn the software. So, I really appreciate FCD. It's great software with a very attentive developer.
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Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby SRM » Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:31 pm


I'm using FCD to learn French, Spanish & Dutch. I've been obsessed with learning languages for years and have yet to reach a high level of fluency in these languages and am now more determined than ever. In my determination I'm using all new and improved decent methods to aid my progress. Thus FCD has become my new best friend.

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Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby dawangumu » Sat Oct 06, 2012 3:53 am

I use it for:
* recognizing bird sounds - sound on 1 side - picture and audio explanation on the following side
* recognizing trees, plants and butterflies - picture on side 1, name on side 2, explantion, stories and details on the following sites
* studying history and nature facts - question on side 1 - answer and so on on following sides
it is a GREAT app!!

Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby WarrenDaniels » Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:29 pm

This spaced-repitition app is excellent for learning banking concepts. I follow the Incremental Reading procedure espoused on the supermemo_com site -- but with the Flashcards Deluxe App. In this way, just about anything I study can be formulated into card sets. I also use it to memorize scriptures. Excellent app. I am excited to hear it is coming to Android for the benefit of my sons, who now will not need to buy iPhones to use it!!

Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby arthaey » Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:22 am

I use it for language-learning primarily, but also for memorizing family & close friends' phone numbers, as well as things like my cars' license plates, my driver's license number, and the couple of "master passwords" that I don't store in 1Password.
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Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby Gast » Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:19 am

I love this app!!

I use it for:
- learning italian, french and spanisch vocabulary, sentences and irregular verbs (all vocalized)
- getting to know the local birds (just pictures, no sounds yet)
- remembering stuff I read somewhere
- learning all the countries, flags and capitals of the world

My next project are famous paintings or pieces of art.

Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby frankjg83 » Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:20 am

I am using this app to review my electrical exam that I need to pass. Using multiple choice settings. It is awesome!!!

Re: survey to all User: I use FCD for ...

Postby Guest » Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:57 am

I'm homeschooling my kids and here are the things I plan to use FCD for (I say plan because I just found it)

-spelling tests
-Latin and Greek roots for English
-key science terms and models (eg, stages of cell division)
-foreign language vocab

I browsed the public decks and downloaded Algebra vocabulary, geography quizzes, and a few other things I hadn't thought of.

(And to prove I'm not a spambot: ? )


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