username or password not found

username or password not found

Postby deandre » Sat Feb 17, 2024 6:04 am

I have an account in which I share files between my desktop and my phone.

I recently bought a laptop that I would like to sync but when I try to sign in a get a message that says "username or password not found."

signed in and out of my mobile app and even changed the password.

I would love to have access to the app on my laptop.

Any suggestions?

Re: username or password not found

Postby Ernie » Thu Feb 22, 2024 8:24 pm


Sorry for the slow reply.
You are logging into the Sync feature (App Server), correct?
You are able to sign in on your mobile device, but not your laptop? I don't know why there'd be a difference.
Is your laptop Mac? I don't have a version for other types of laptops, unless it runs Android emulator.

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