Problem downloading from Quizlet. Please advise.

Problem downloading from Quizlet. Please advise.

Postby bdlvega » Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:50 am

I came upon your app and the Quizlet website yesterday and began to make some flashcards for personal study. I signed up on Quizlet and created my first deck. Roughly 5 minutes later, the deck appeared on my Quizlet decks in the app. It worked great so I told a few people about it and they jumped right on it.

Lo an behold, they are having problems with their decks not appearing on the app. I tried to download their decks and I couldn't see them either. I can access them just fine on the website and they are marked as 'accessible by anyone' so they should be downloadable through the app, right? I copy and pasted their decks on my username thinking it may be some issue with the user database but I'm encountering the same problem now as well. I even made a new test deck but I am still only seeing the original deck I created yesterday.

I tried a different app (Flashcardlet) thinking it might be an app specific problem, but the same issue occurs there also. I've looked through the decks multiple times and compared them to the deck that IS working and I can't see ANY differences regarding accessibility. At this point I'm thinking the problem is something on the Quizlet side of things, but no idea what it would be aside from some technical problem. I couldn't find any forums for them so I figured I'd ask here.

Any ideas? Thanks

Quizlet username - 'bdlvega'

You can also try my co-worker's, 'Momy4'

Re: Problem downloading from Quizlet. Please advise.

Postby Ernie » Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:12 am


The problem appears to be on Quizlet's side. Normally it takes 5 minutes for a new deck to show up in a search, but occationally it might take a day or so when they are having problems.

In Quizlet, search "5b abbreviations". You will only see one of your decks come up. Quizlet shows the same search problem on their own site.

There is nothing anyone can do about it except to wait for Quizlet to fix it on their end. It will start working again. This is not common, but unfortunately happens from time to time. Sorry about that.

One option is to use my website if you want to study in the app asap. In quizlet, click the Export link. You'll get a "data" box with your cards. Copy into memory. Go to my website and paste this into the Upload page. Assign a unique deck code. Upload. In the app, tap +, private deck, and type in your deck code. It will be available immediately. Well... this will work if you don't use line-feeds in your cards... if you do use linefeeds, Quizlet will start a new line and my app will think its a new card instead.

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Re: Problem downloading from Quizlet. Please advise.

Postby Guest » Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:29 am

Thanks, Ernie.

Sure enough, I checked again this morning and all the decks seem to be pulling up properly. I'll keep this in mind for future use.

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