Bug: Card Entry + Multitasking

Bug: Card Entry + Multitasking

Postby Tony » Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:37 pm

Hopefully this one hasn't been brought up before, but didn't see it on the list. Here's a little issue I've came across. When adding a new card then switching apps, and switching back, the new card will not be saved. I found this as I keep a PDF I'm studying from in iBooks and switch between the two. (Can by any app)

1) In the card list, hit + for a new card
2) In the top Side 1 field, tap it.
3) Enter a word. Save.
4) Now, from the Card screen, double-tap the Home button and swap to another app.
5) Swap Back.
6) Hit the "Cards" button in the upper-left to return to the card list.

Your new card will not be saved. This happens regardless of how many sides are filled in before you swap. Swapping on the edit "Side #" screen DOES NOT cause this bug. Nor will this bug trigger if you fill in a another side AFTER swapping on the general "Card" edit screen. Only swapping on the general "Card" edit screen before returning to the card list appears to cause the card to be lost.

Hope this helps.

Re: Bug: Card Entry + Multitasking

Postby Ernie » Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:15 pm

Thanks Tony! I can duplicate this bug and I will make sure this is fixed in the upcoming version.
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