Maximum Interval

Maximum Interval

Postby StefanZintgraf » Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:03 pm

after learning for several months i've seen that the default value for Maximum Interval is 365 days.
If i change it now to a smaller value it seems not to work.
Will i have to wait until the old cards shows up until the new value is taken?
What can i do to make the value taking effect immediately?

Re: Maximum Interval

Postby Ernie » Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:27 pm

Very good question. As of now you would need to export your deck with statistics, and manually manipulate the statistics information. This would be tedious. This is something I want to do myself but haven't done yet. I will plan on adding a feature in the upcoming update that will ask you if you want to update all existing cards in the deck for such change. Give me about 4 weeks for the update to be out and then it should work.
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Re: Maximum Interval

Postby StefanZintgraf » Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:50 am

That would really be GREAT!
Thanks a lot!

Re: Maximum Interval

Postby stefanZintgraf » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:59 am

just one suggestion if you will implement this feature:
If i change the maximum interval of the combination deck, then it should (optionally) change the values of all decks that are part of the combination deck.

Another wish of mine would be: i continuosly add new decks into several combination decks.
The font size of my combination decks are not always the same, so there is no reasonable default value for my decks.
It would be a great option if decks that i add to a combination could take over the combination deck's default font size, because all decks here should be of the same type.
I see that there is a potential conflict if a deck is part of more combination decks with different font sizes - for that case i would suggest that if a combination deck default font size is set then newly added decks will inherit them after asking.
What do you think about this?


Re: Maximum Interval

Postby Ernie » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:06 pm

Max interval of combo decks: If you make a change to a combo deck, I don't think I want to change the source decks automatically. Valid point, but I think you'll have to keep this maintained manually.

Same with font size. I don't want to make changes to source decks automatically after a combo deck change. Some settings are disabled for combo decks and use the source deck's value. What I would like to do at some point is give the option of using the combo deck's setting instead of the relying on the source deck's setting.
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Re: Maximum Interval

Postby StefanZintgraf » Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:08 pm

Just for clarification: If i change the value of Maximum Interval of a combination deck, what will happen?
Will it override the value of individual decks?
Does it have no effect at all?
Do i have to change the individual deck's value as well?

Re: Maximum Interval

Postby Ernie » Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:19 pm

Yeah, I wasn't clear. Combo decks and source decks have different settings. Let's assume you change the max interval from 1 year to 1 month. My plan is... if you change a combo decks value, it will update all cards contained in the combo deck to be within your new setting. This is what you want. What I don't want to do though is change the *deck* setting in each of the source decks. So, if you study using the combo deck, the new restriction will be maintained. If you study using the raw source deck (using max interval of 1 year still), then intervals will increase beyond 1 month. Hopefully that makes sense.
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