Thanks a lot. I've been able to update my four main decks without any problem, except two cards. Here's one of them:
Old version:
Il me fait penser à son frère. <snd e20bacf3bcdffa62d5bbc5800676bce7.m4a><font face='Heiti SC'>他使我想起了他的弟弟。</font> 1300 secondaire
New version:
Il me faisait penser à son petit frère. <snd e20bacf3bcdffa62d5bbc5800676bce7.m4a><font face='Heiti SC'>他使我想起了他的弟弟。</font> 1300 secondaire
The card becames "new". I have a lot of such cards which are correctly merged, for instance:
Old version:
Ma maman ne se sent pas très bien. <snd fe5614c1e84c121d0f63ab64bbc47757.m4a><font face='Heiti SC'>我的妈妈不太舒服。</font> 0200 secondaire
New version:
Ma maman ne se sent pas trop bien. <snd fe5614c1e84c121d0f63ab64bbc47757.m4a><font face='Heiti SC'>我的妈妈不太舒服。</font> 0200 secondaire
Rather strange, I cannot see any logic in this discrepancy.
Anyway, not a big problem for me this time

Thank you again for the fix!