Bug or Feature? Full-Screen Mode

Bug or Feature? Full-Screen Mode

Postby MrPugh » Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:21 am


I was a bit surprised by the following behavior of the full-screen mode:

1. I open a deck in study view, switch to full-screen mode by tapping he center of the title bar and wipe threw some flash cards.
1. I switch back from full-screen mode by tapping the center of the title bar and leave the study view immediately.
2. Any time later I enter a deck in study view - I am back in full-screen mode.

Only when I wipe to a new card after switching off full-screen mode, this change will be persistent when I come back to study view later.

Is this a bug - or a feature?

Thanks for this great App!

Re: Bug or Feature? Full-Screen Mode

Postby Ernie » Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:46 am

Hi MrPugh. This behavior is by design. The setting is "remembered" when you either flip or move to a new card. I don't think it would make sense to remember it as the app returns to the main screen, since it would always remember a "non-full screen" view setting, and return to that.
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Re: Bug or Feature? Full-Screen Mode

Postby Guest » Fri Oct 08, 2010 9:01 am

OK, I did not expect it to remember anything at all... ;)

Thank you!

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