Version 2.6 Bugs Report

Version 2.6 Bugs Report

Postby Guest » Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:42 am

Version 2.6 Bugs Report

Hi, Ernie and everyone

I just downloaded the V 2.6 the other day. It’s definitely more functional, but there’re 2 things about it that’s been bothering me.
First, I know in the main menu, there’s an option to turn on/off the “copy to Pasteboard”. However, no matter it’s on or off, the app doesn’t allow me to select, copy-paste or cut sometimes!

Usually, you can press and hold the screen until the “Select, Select all, and Paste” bubble pops up, then you’ll be able to copy-paste. With this app, it occurs from time to time that you can only select the text but the bubble doesn’t pop up at all while it functions fine when I switch to other apps. Well, this problem can be solved by the simple expedient of double-clicking the Home Button on iPhone and closing the app, then restarting it, but isn’t that annoying? As a matter of fact, this problem had been already occurring even before the V 2.6 was released.

Second, it happened TWICE that a new card with 3 sides full of text that I just added literally disappeared in the deck, it’s like the cards never existed in the deck! The first time this happened, I thought maybe my memory tricked me, and maybe I didn’t “save” what I had typed on my device when I edited that new card. But it happened again after I finished adding another new card, and this time I was 100% sure that I INDEED spent 15 minutes typing a lot of stuffs on that new card which had 3 sides full of content and was even categorized! It’s all gone! I went through all the decks and I still couldn’t find the card! C’mon, it was just added a moment ago!

In the meanwhile, I came to realize that as long as the side 1 of the card is written with anything and the info is saved, the card SHOULD exist in the deck no matter whether I save the info in the other sides or not. So my memory didn’t trick me the first time, the card somehow disappeared itself.

I hope this won’t happen again and I really want to find out if there’s any user who’s experienced the same thing that I went through with this new V 2.6.
Ernie, hope you’ll figure out what might be the cause of these 2 problems. Other than this, everything else is great.

Re: Version 2.6 Bugs Report

Postby Ernie » Sat Nov 20, 2010 10:02 pm

Thanks so much for the info. I'm out of town for a couple days, but will look into this when I get back and let you know what I think.

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Re: Version 2.6 Bugs Report

Postby Sagitta_fr » Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:12 am

Hey, Ernie

I finally came to pinpoint the bug and I’m so relieved because I found the cause of the trouble!

Now, try this first, step by step:

1. Run your Version 2.6 and go to one of your decks, click on the two-card icon to get to the card list screen.

2. Then click on that “+” button to add a new card and fill out any side of the new card, for example, type “test” in the Side1 and “bug” in the side 2, write anything if you want, just for testing the app.

3. DON’T go back to the card list screen yet when you’re done with editing the new card.

4. Now, here comes the tricky part: double-click on the home button of your iPhone to bring up the multi-tasking screen, then switch to any of the other apps that are running on your device, maybe the safari, go to the safari!

5. You don’t have to do anything when you’re in safari, just switch right back to Flashcards Deluxe.

6. So, the new card is supposed to be still there with all the data you have inputted earlier, in my case, it’s Side1: “test”, and Side2: “bug”.

7. Now, you can click on the “card” button on your top left to go back to the card list screen and search for the new card which you just added at the beginning, so type “test” or “bug” in the search bar.

8. Nothing came up, huh? I don’t think you’d find that card especially when your iPhone is a 3GS which runs IOS4 just as mine is. By the way, the number of the cards in the deck stays the same, right? It didn't increase because the card wasn't really "saved".

So here’s the thing, as long as you switch to another app before you finish editing your new card, the data will be lost, it’s like – with this V 2.6, the data is temporarily saved into the random memory when you add a new card and it’s all gone when you switch to another app.

Now you understand what happened to me the other day, right? I spent 15 minutes editing a new card, switching between this app and the safari because i needed to copy some info from the internet. But when i was done, i couldn't find the new card after i went back to the list screen, how disappointing, right?

I’ll much obliged if you can debug this in the next version, Ernie. Thanks in advance!
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Re: Version 2.6 Bugs Report

Postby norbert » Tue Nov 23, 2010 1:05 am

I confirm that behaviour.
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Re: Version 2.6 Bugs Report

Postby Ernie » Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:31 am


Thank you for your detective work! I'm sorry this has caused you some hassles. Yes, I will get this fixed in the next version.

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Re: Version 2.6 Bugs Report

Postby Ernie » Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:35 am

Oh, and as for copy-paste not showing up... I currently have no idea. This should be built into the OS and "just work". I'll see what I can do...
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Re: Version 2.6 Bugs Report

Postby Sagitta_fr » Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:47 am

You're very welcome, Ernie, I still got lots of love for your app and I'm looking forward to the V 2.7!
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