Pictures with new format

Pictures with new format

Postby Simon Spitzmüller » Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:04 am

Hi Ernie

Great update, thanks!

But I'm having a little trouble: I have 500+ cards with many many pictures in them, an they are linked using the old format, eg.

This is text describing the following picture <pic picture.jpg>

in other words, text and the picture link are in the same excel cell.

Now with the new format, do I really have to move all my picture links to seperate collumns "Picture 1" through "Picture 5" ??

Thanks again for your app! Simon Spitzmüller
Simon Spitzmüller

Re: Pictures with new format

Postby Ernie » Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:45 am


Good question. No, you don't have to move or change anything. The app will continue to work fine with the original import format. If you export, it will be in the old format, since that is what you imported it as. If you ever want to export in the new format, pick a card and put something in the "Notes" field. This will force an export in the new format since the old one doesn't support this data.

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Re: Pictures with new format

Postby Simon » Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:35 am

Well, i want to use the new format. How can i convert? Do i have to export my cards in the new format and read this back into my excel file?

Re: Pictures with new format

Postby Guest » Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:39 am

And by the way: why not use html markup as card content. Then you could have multiple pictures on one card. Just a suggestion for version 3.0

Re: Pictures with new format

Postby Ernie » Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:00 pm

Card content *is* html.

I just tried showing two pictures using <img> tags at it works. (You need to put a space between "src" and "=": <img src =")
The downside is that you need an internet connection to view cards, it downloads each time, and it may go off the screen with no way to scroll down.

I have to do a little work to improve html compatability with certain tags.
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Re: Pictures with new format

Postby Simon » Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:14 pm

So it is html, ok.

True, what was i thinking. But downloading the pictures is not an option... But pictures can be streamlined into a html page, woud be great if you programmed the interpretation of your <pic> tag like that.

Re: Pictures with new format

Postby Ernie » Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:56 pm

Are you saying something like... use <img> tags with real html, but use a local file system url so you can lay it out how you want with no internet connection required?
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Re: Pictures with new format

Postby spitzmuller » Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:33 pm

Ernie wrote:Are you saying something like... use <img> tags with real html, but use a local file system url so you can lay it out how you want with no internet connection required?

Good morning.

Actually that is exaclty what I'm saying!! What would the local filesystem path be? Or is Apple blocking access to local resources? I wouldn't be surprised.

Have a good one. Simon
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Re: Pictures with new format

Postby spitzmuller » Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:37 pm

... and of course if you tap-hold an image, it should enlarge for viewing and zooming.
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Re: Pictures with new format

Postby Ernie » Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:10 am

This is an interesting idea. It probably would not be hard for me to replace a picture name in a <img> tag with the full local file path... assuming that would work. But, zooming into the picture sounds very problematic, as it might be very tricky for me to determine where you are holding (text, picture 1, picture 2) and at this point I may say not worth the effort. Well, let me think about it.
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