2 Suggestions

2 Suggestions

Postby eLentine » Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:56 am

First of all, I want to say that I love the program and just got done leaving a 5-star review (which I rarely do). I have 2 suggestions that I would like you to consider for future updates (or, if the functionality already exists and I am missing it, please let me know how).

I like the drawing feature very much. However, for cards with more text (now that I use the program on my iPad instead of my iPhone I find myself including much more text on some cards), I don't like how much less legible the cards become (especially images) when the content overlaps the gray writing box. Also, I would find it very helpful for many of my cards to be able to use the drawing feature to interact with the page 1 prompts (that is, write ON the card content). My suggestion for the drawing feature is: Eliminate the gray drawing box (simply toggle an icon on/off to show you are in drawing mode), allow it for the entire screen when selected, and change the font you draw in (red would be the preferable default, but being able to customize color as an option on the Main Options page would be even better).

Is there not a way to change card defaults? I looked and looked because I thought this should already be an option. Every time I upload a new card set, I have to go into the options to change all THREE sides to "Left" (one at a time!) and to activate drawing on side one, and to change the font (on all 3 sides--one at a time!). This is particularly tedious when making a small revision to a card set (I keep all created cards in Excel), just to have to repeat the whole process over and over again. If I start using the new feature to have even more than 3 sides, this will be even worse. I would like to see, at the very least, an option in the Study Options page to set changes to ALL sides at once with a single click (rather than each side individually). What would be even better, however, would be the ability in the Main Options screen to change all the defaults at which newly downloaded decks are imported.

Thanks for all your help, and a fantastic program.

Re: 2 Suggestions

Postby eLentine » Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:58 am

I just realized that suggestion #1 didn't make functional sense. Obviously some provision for navigating cards would be required. I would suggest a transparent gray box in the bottom-right-hand corner (similar in appearance to what is now used for drawing) of sufficient size to do all necessary swiping motions, but small enough to allow better use of drawing throughout the screen.

Re: 2 Suggestions

Postby Ernie » Fri Nov 12, 2010 9:42 am

Hi Kordel,

Option to turn off gray box and show icon instead - I like it.
Option to change color and width of line - I like it. I might run into some complications with programming this though (color).
Option to Increase drawing area size - I like it. I don't have a clear picture in my head on what the size should be.
Be able to draw on the card itself and save it? A long term goal, but not easy enough to do in the near future.
With so much to do, I'll probably tackle these in a few months.

You can already set new deck defaults for most of these. (I think all of them except for Drawing). For each setting, look for a "By Deck" row at the bottom. Tap it and you can see the setting for each deck, and can change all at once, include the new deck default.

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Re: 2 Suggestions

Postby eLentine » Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:08 am

Ernie, thanks for the feedback. I must be missing something obvious, though, because I can't seem to locate the "by deck" "row at the bottom." Can you clarify exactly where I look for this feature? Thanks for your help.

Re: 2 Suggestions

Postby Ernie » Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:12 am

Sure. Study Options. Assume you want to change Font.
Tap "Font"
Tap "Side 1"
Scroll to bottom. That last row should say "By Deck". Tap.
The first row is "All Decks"... change this. This will also change the "New Deck" setting at the bottom of this screen.
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Re: 2 Suggestions

Postby eLentine » Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:36 am

That was exactly what I needed--thanks!

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