contacting author

contacting author

Postby larryk » Sat Nov 13, 2010 10:36 pm

I've posted a significant amount of Japanese phrases for students in my class to use. However, occasionally mistakes get by me. It would be nice if there was some feature that would allow users of my uploads to the library to post comments / corrections / additions for me to read. I could then in turn update my library. Any ideas?


Re: contacting author

Postby Ernie » Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:03 am

Wow, thanks for using the app in the classroom! That's great.

This is an interesting idea, and something another person has asked for (being able to comment on other's shared decks), but I don't think it's something I want to add in the near future as I feel my time would be better spend on other things. One update I'm considering though is the ability to quickly email a card from the study screen. This might be useful to you, but the downside is that your students would need to be able to quickly pull up your email address (one time hassle, I suppose). If you do have some interest in this, let me know.

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Re: contacting author

Postby larryk » Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:07 pm

Thanks for the suggestion. As I am getting more familiar with the Flashcards, I now see that it could be done fairly easily with the existing format. Using the Edit mode and sections Description, Notes, and Author, I could easily just put my email there under Notes or Author for the user to contact me for flashcard corrections.

In the Upload page on the website, would it be possible to include Description, Notes, and Author like you do the Deck Name? As it stands now, I've got to use the iPod the type the Description, Notes and Author each time. It would be easier to upload the info only once.


Re: contacting author

Postby Ernie » Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:09 pm

You give me some ideas.

You can include these in your text. Just follow the example below. If using excel, use the first 3 columns. Put this at the top.

* {tab} description {tab} my desc
* {tab} notes {tab} my notes
* {tab} author {tab} Ernie

If a user could email easily from the app, it would be convenient.
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