Like a real dictionary app?

Like a real dictionary app?

Postby lalabin518 » Sat Nov 13, 2010 6:16 pm

Hi Ernie, I have a suggestion, that's the apps search interface. When I tap the two cards icon in the right coner and come to search, this is not a real card view interface, but dirrectly come to card edit interface(you can edit the cards without hit edit, the "edit" button in the up right is a little bit unnecessary at this point). You know when the user try to search the cards they are looking for, I think most of them only just want to view the cards(Like when you use a dictionary), not to edit it. So, why not give user a pure interface like when you learning a new card or review a old one, or just use the learning or review interface replace the current edit interface. And if the user really want to edit a card, they can always hit the "edit" button, and the come to more options.
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Re: Like a real dictionary app?

Postby Ernie » Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:45 pm

I think you are saying... be able to view the selected card as a "flashcard" (that you can flip).

I've had this request before and it's something I eventually want to support (in one way or another). I'm not sure exactly when or how this will work yet.

Thanks for the feedback.
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Re: Like a real dictionary app?

Postby Guest » Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:47 pm

Thats right, and if the status of the card you are searching become new automaticly will be great

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