Unable to Upload Pic

Unable to Upload Pic

Postby Tu » Tue Nov 02, 2010 11:00 am

Hi Ernie,

I tried to upload power point slides and unable to.....I've done it before and it worked, but haven't for a few weeks. Perhaps I may have missed a step?

My steps: copy and paste (<pic slide1.jpg, etc.) onto your website and followed directions as directed. When I download onto my iphone, no pictures came up.


Re: Unable to Upload Pic

Postby Ernie » Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:38 pm

First, you need to make sure your text file is correct. If it looks like <pic slide1.jpg>, then it should be correct. After you upload the text to my server, click on the Upload Pictures link, and you should see a list of your pictures... if not, then you didn't define them properly. The next step is to upload your pictures to my website. The Upload Picture page will tell you which pictures have been uploaded and which have not. You can zip them all up on your PC and upload the single zip file. When it says all pictures have been uploaded, then you are ready to download from the app and you should see your slides. If you have trouble, send me your deck code and I can see what might be going on.
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Re: Unable to Upload Pic

Postby Tu » Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:45 pm


I tried again per your instruction....still no pix loaded. My deck file is : special_senses2_

Re: Unable to Upload Pic

Postby Ernie » Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:29 pm

I see your deck, but no pictures are uploaded.
Go to:

Enter your deck code: special_senses2_

Click "Upload File" (don't Browse for a file, this will just update the list of files to upload)

You should see slide 1-11 along the left under "To Upload".

Try to upload a single file. Click "Browse" and select "slide1.jpg" on your PC and upload. The file name on the webpage should move to the right column "Uploaded" after a successful upload. If it doesn't upload, does it show you an error message? (Look for a message in red at the top.)

If you get this single file to work, you can try a zip file so you don't have to do each individually.
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Re: Unable to Upload Pic

Postby Tu » Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:54 pm


How do I upload just one slide from my saved powerpoint? (it saved all 11 slides together). I have done this in the past with zip file and it worked. Difference this time is that the 'right side' didn't show slides uploaded eventhough the top--green message said it did. Not the usual ones that I remember getting -- a long message that I can download onto my Iphone.

I can email you my saved powerpoints and you can try...


Re: Unable to Upload Pic

Postby Ernie » Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:00 pm

It appears you are trying to upload a .ppt (powerpoint) file. This is not supported. In powerpoint, you need to Save As, and save your slides as JPG files (choose the JPG option from the dropdown menu in PowerPoint). Each slide will become it's own jpg file. You then zip and upload these, not a ppt file.

If you've already done this this and do have actual jpg files and it's not working, email them to me and I'll try it:

If you can't figure out how to convert your ppt file to jpg files, you can also email me your ppt file and I'll send you back the jpg files.

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Re: Unable to Upload Pic

Postby Tu » Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:20 pm

Ok, I just emailed them to you.

Re: Unable to Upload Pic

Postby harriet » Thu Nov 11, 2010 9:14 am

Hi, Ernie. I have been having the same problem trying to upload my first picture. Here's what I've been doing:

(1) Upload the following cards (deck code: hsmappend):
Text 1 Picture 1
chamois chamois.jpg

(2) Go to Upload Pictures
(3) chamois.jpg is shown in the To Upload column
(4) Browse to find chamois.jpg in my PC
(5) Upload chamois.jpg
(6) chamois.jpg is now displayed in the Uploaded column, and the prompt says "File Uploaded. You are ready to download this deck to your iPhone."

However, when I check the card in my deck, the picture side just says "chamois.jpg," but it does not show a picture.

I have tried all of the following:
- changing the deck code name
- having three columns (Text 1, Text 2, Picture 1)
- trying this in a new deck with a unique deck code.

Thanks for any help, and thank you a million for your incredible app.

Re: Unable to Upload Pic

Postby Ernie » Thu Nov 11, 2010 9:19 am

HI Harriet.

I just downloaded your deck code and I see a picture on the back.

Are you using the lastest version of the app? At the main screen, tap (?) in the top right to go to Main Options, then scroll to the bottom to see version. Does it say 2.6? If not, you are not using a compatible version for this new upload format. If you have the paid version, update! (free of charge)

If you are using the lite version, they you need to use the "Original" upload format. I'm working on putting this documentation back on the website right now. (Give me 30 minutes and I will have the excel file udpated.) I got myself in a small mess because I didn't update both the paid and free version at the same time.
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Re: Unable to Upload Pic

Postby harriet » Thu Nov 11, 2010 9:50 am

Ernie ~
Upgrading did the trick. Thank you so much!
~ Harriet

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