Export zu iTunes

Export zu iTunes

Postby Kartoffelsack » Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:04 pm

Erstmal ein Lob: Flashcard ist eines der besten Programme auf diesem Gebiet ;-D

Nun mein Problem: Seit einiger Zeit gibt es ein Problem beim Export zu iTunes!

In iTunes wähle ich das Menü [iPhone], dann [Apps] und scrolle runter auf 'Apps'. Auf der linken Seite in der Liste klicke ich auf 'Flashcards' und wähle im rechten Fenster 'Flashcards.sql' und 'Media' aus. Dann klicke ich unten auf den Button [Speichern unter...] und wähle auf meinem PC einen Ordner aus. iTunes kopiert anschließend die Daten vom iPhone zu diesem Ordner, aber am Ende erscheint die Fehlermeldung:

"Media" konnte nicht kopiert werden, da ein Fehler aufgetreten ist.
Der angegebene Dateiname ist bereits vorhanden.

Früher funktionierte diese Backup-Funktion sehr gut.

Bitte behebt diesen Fehler.


First a word of praise: Flash Card is one of the best programs in this field ;-D

Now my problem: For some time there is a problem when exporting to iTunes!

In iTunes, I select [iPhone], then [Apps] and scroll down to 'apps'. On the left side in the list I click on "Flashcards" and pick on the right window 'Flashcards.sql 'and 'media'. Then I click on the button [Save As ...] and select a folder on my PC. iTunes is starting to copies the data from the iPhone to that folder, but in the end the error message appear:

"Media" konnte nicht kopiert werden, da ein Fehler aufgetreten ist.
Der angegebene Dateiname ist bereits vorhanden.

A few months ago, this backup feature worked very well.

Please fix this bug.
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Feb 16, 2012 1:52 pm

Re: Export zu iTunes

Postby Ernie » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:39 am

Hi Kartoffelsack. I'm sorry, but I don't know what is causing the problem or how to fix it. A duplicate file name? I tried a couple tests on my end but I don't see anything. What I would recommend is to export to Dropbox. Is this an option for you?
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Re: Export zu iTunes

Postby Kartoffelsack » Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:55 am


DropBox is an excellent feature that works even better than iTunes. Now I export each stack separately to DropBox, and this is very good. So it's fine for me, and I will use DropBox in the future. ;-D

But I think there is still an export bug in Flashcards if you want to export the backup of general sql-database.!?! I've tried the following:
- I exported all stacks to DropBox separately
- for testing I have Flashcards deleted from iPhone
- I've reinstalled flash cards on the iPhone
- I copy back each stack from DropBox to the iPhone
- in flashcards I create folders and I move some stacks in these directories
- I create composite stacks

Now a special problem:
If you want to perform a full backup to DropBox, then only a small part of the DropBox backup directory is copied. So I think that the general database is created incorrectly and therefore does not work export to iTunes. The export to iTunes starts though, it will be copied some parts, but then breaks the backup and the mistake will appear.
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Joined: Thu Feb 16, 2012 1:52 pm

Re: Export zu iTunes

Postby Ernie » Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:57 am

I don't understand. You mentioned iTunes, but I would stay away from iTunes and just use Dropbox.

There are two ways to import/export... 1) individual decks or 2) complete database. I think your are familiar with exporting and importing individual decks through dropbox. If you want to backup the .sql database, at the main Decks screen tap "Edit" (bearb.), then "Backup/Restore" (Sichern / Wiederherstellen) at the bottom. This method will restore folders and most global settings. Using this method, backups go to the "\Flashcards Deluxe\Backups\" folder. Did you try this?
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Re: Export zu iTunes

Postby Kartoffelsack » Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:45 am

Ernie wrote:I don't understand. You mentioned iTunes, but I would stay away from iTunes and just use Dropbox.

There are two ways to import/export... 1) individual decks or 2) complete database. I think your are familiar with exporting and importing individual decks through dropbox. If you want to backup the .sql database, at the main Decks screen tap "Edit" (bearb.), then "Backup/Restore" (Sichern / Wiederherstellen) at the bottom. This method will restore folders and most global settings. Using this method, backups go to the "\Flashcards Deluxe\Backups\" folder. Did you try this?

1) individual decks
Yes, this is my favorite feature. With this method all decks are correct copied and I'm happy.

2) complete database
Yesterday and today I have tested this feature with dropbox. For Example from a total of 80 decks were copied only 6 exemplars in the folder "\Flashcards Deluxe\Backups\"!?!
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Feb 16, 2012 1:52 pm

Re: Export zu iTunes

Postby Ernie » Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:54 am

Complete - all decks are stored in a single ".sql" file. The file name has the date and time it was exported. Additional folders are created if you have pictures/sounds.
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Postby Abdul » Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:03 pm

iPhone stofware update ( 2 hours remaining ) , ta3abt wana an6r ;p[]omarker Reply:October 12th, 2011 at 11:12 pmOLLAAH !!whats Your net !![] Reply:October 12th, 2011 at 11:18 pm7adda ollaaah ga3d a7tar ilkl 9arla wana an6r , 3com :s[]


Postby Matsepo » Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:41 am

Rating I got this book today and have not been able to place it down.I potitlng that I knew a lot about my iPhone but this book has given me even more detail that can only enhance my already delightful experience with my iPhone. Edward anb Bob have done a top-rate job of providing simple to know content. The illustrations are perfectly complementary to the text. Page Layouts are extemely well potitlng out and executed.Font selection makes this book both simple to read and a feast for the eye. Cartoons by Rich Tennant are hillarious. And now you know why I fell in like with this wonderful book. Go no further. Place it in your cart. You will not unhappiness the choice ever.


Postby Putradumplaktingting » Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:26 am

Copytrans looks like a scam to me. All the psroets hyping it appear to be the same typist with the same formulaic post, pasting the same link at the foot of each.I wouldn't trust a backup solution from a company that refers to your iPhone's internal storage as a 'hard drive'.Last of all, a quick search shows no torrents for their files; if it's not worth ripping off, it's not worth buying. (lol)This false, misleading, viral method of marketing is disgusting; I motion that everybody counter this despicable practice by posting just how terrible their software is, and how it damages your PC, iPhone, and sex life, steals your girlfriend, scratches the car, and causes water damage to the plasterwork in the guest room

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