Spaced Repetition Scoring

Spaced Repetition Scoring

Postby radiator » Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:34 pm

I am running decks spaced repetition and getting (8h) 8h 8h 8h across the bottom. I figure I marked the card wrong many times to drive it down to the low values of 8 hours, but not clear on the implications of 8h across the board. It gives me the impression I can never dig out. Any clarification welcome.
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Re: Spaced Repetition Scoring

Postby Losang » Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:28 pm

this means that no matter what you swipe, i.e. know very well, know, don't know, whichever three, you will still be retested after 8 hours because you got it wrong too many times, as you said :-) BUT AFTER you swipe "know" or "know very well", then the numbers will start to change, this is not a loop, don't worry, just use it as you normally will and the numbers should work themselves out (i'm only guessing by the way, never had this value before)
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Re: Spaced Repetition Scoring

Postby Ernie » Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:36 pm

Hey Losang! Good to hear from you.

Normally the last two intervals would be higher (increasing for Correct and Strong correct.) Since your numbers show the same as the current interval, this means that you're a looking at card that you recently got wrong. When you get a card wrong, two things happen: 1) It stays "due" so you get tested on it again right away (next round) and 2) when you finally get it right, your interval doesn't go up like it normally would. BUT, after 8 hours, when it's due again, you WILL see the second two interval numbers increase.

My generally thinking is... if you haven't waited the full interval since your last answer, you've haven't proved that you know it for that interval and I won't increase it. Hopefully that makes sense.
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Re: Spaced Repetition Scoring

Postby Losang » Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:41 pm

hey Ernie, so happy you finally got this forum going! :-)
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