Flashcards Deluxe - Windows 7 Program

Flashcards Deluxe - Windows 7 Program

Postby Dane » Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:25 pm

I was wondering if there has been any progress (or any way) in making a program compatible with windows 7 like there is available for Mac OS? I would take advantage of it in a heartbeat if it were available. Sometimes staring at a iPod touch for HOURS on end trying to learn anatomy can become bothersome. I would rather look at my laptop screen and flip through your flashcard application while I can afford to at places like the library where I'm not going anywhere.

Please and Thanks!

P.S. If there has been any progress made or if there is indeed a program that would work (or a way to make it work on windows 7) would you please email me at: dbaumchen@gmail.com


Re: Flashcards Deluxe - Windows 7 Program

Postby Ernie » Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:28 pm


I don't have any associated study program and runs on Windows or Mac. If you make your 2-sided cards on Quizlet.com, you can study on their site using any web browser. I don't have any plans to create a Windows compansion program. "Anki" is competitor that has a window program and an iOS app. The Windows program is free, so you can try it out. The iPhone/iPad app is $25, so not cheep. The desktop program can import/export, so it's possible to use this along with another iPhone app. (Having pictures probably will make it tougher to share across programs though.)

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Re: Flashcards Deluxe - Windows 7 Program

Postby Guest » Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:36 pm

Is there a way to view your app (running on my iPod touch) on my laptop? I know this is possible with my windows mobile phone.

Re: Flashcards Deluxe - Windows 7 Program

Postby Ernie » Sat Dec 04, 2010 8:33 pm

No, Apple does not support this.
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Re: Flashcards Deluxe - Windows 7 Program

Postby Guest » Mon Sep 19, 2011 6:45 pm

Any thoughts of making an app for the Windows Phone 7.5? I LOVE your program and have used it since it came out on Iphone, but I recently switched to Windows Phone. This app was one of the reasons I actually held out so long, because there is NOTHING that compares to it!! :)

Re: Flashcards Deluxe - Windows 7 Program

Postby Ernie » Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:30 pm

Thanks. You are the first to request a Windows phone app. Well, I would work on a Android app first, and not sure if or when that will happen. So, sorry... won't happen. Just not enough hours in the day and sanity in the head to attempt this anytime soon.
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Re: Flashcards Deluxe - Windows 7 Program

Postby transpain » Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:17 pm

Hi, Dane,

A very nice program for the PC, which supports several formats both for import and export, is MemoryLifter. Though it is not as good as Flashcards Deluxe (I truly think there is no competition for this app), you may find it useful for your purposes. And it is freeware.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Flashcards Deluxe - Windows 7 Program

Postby kraemder » Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:22 pm

I would think someone would write an iOS or iPhone emulator for windows.. Hmm but then I'm not sure how'd you get the apps onto to the pc without some nefarious hacking of some sort... Personally I prefer my iPad and iPod fornflashcard stuff anyway. I would love it if my iPad and iPod were synched though heh. I know that's been addressed already in previous posts.
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