Flashcard Exchange - Anybody had luck with it?

Flashcard Exchange - Anybody had luck with it?

Postby corbinfields » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:02 am

I sent a tech message to Ernie, but I was curious if any users have been able to
incorporate FlashCard Exchange with the Flashcard Deluxe app?
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Re: Flashcard Exchange - Anybody had luck with it?

Postby Ernie » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:02 am

I don't think I will support downloading directly from flashcardexchange. I'm not sure how the other app is doing it... I doubt they have flashcardexchange's blessing, as I assume that MentalCase is their sole official link.

Your options...
1) Buy a membership which allows you to export a deck. You can download a csv file, open in Excel, then paste into my website
2) If you don't have a paid membership, I think you can only view 50 cards at a time on the website. You can copy-paste these to excel and do a little cleanup and then use that as the source. New lines in cards will cause problems though.

Sorry I don't have any better solution, but I think I'll just stick with Quizlet. Flashcardexchange does not appear to be open with 3rd parties.
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Re: Flashcard Exchange - Anybody had luck with it?

Postby Ryan » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:07 am

Actually, it looks like flashcardexchange officially recognizes a couple of other apps on their website and says they support the flashcardexchange API. Perhaps Mental Case's exclusive contract expired.

Re: Flashcard Exchange - Anybody had luck with it?

Postby Ernie » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:16 am

Good news. I've already added support for Flashcard Exchange in my development version and will probably release this new update in 3 weeks. You will be able to search and download Flashcard Exchange decks from within the app now.
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Re: Flashcard Exchange - Anybody had luck with it?

Postby Eric » Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:28 am

Dear All,

I'm facing issues to download my cards from flashcard exchange. Everytime I enter my email address, Flashcards Deluxe simply gets closed.
I'm using an iPhone 3Gs and I'm using Flashcards deluxe version 2.9.1.

Are you aware of this issue ? Anything I can do to make it work ?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Flashcard Exchange - Anybody had luck with it?

Postby Ernie » Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:02 am


I have a problem with the current version... sometimes Flashcard Exchange returns a "blank" card count for a deck, which causes my app to crash. It seems pretty rare, as you are only the 3rd person experience this (assuming this is what is going on for you).

I don't know why Flashcard Exchange would return a blank card count. Do you have any decks that appear "strange", or look like they might not get a card count when communicating with my app? If everything looks fine from your end, consider emailing me your login email and I can tell you which deck is causing the problem. Sorry about that. This will be fixed in the next update.

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