Too many options

Too many options

Postby Deben » Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:40 am

Too many options. I am not a neophyte. I have used the cards for many years . I know html and I use a fair amount of tags in my cards. But I'm still overwhelmed and confused by all the options. I am especially concerned about others using my shared decks. I should also say that the app in general is really good. I use the audio a lot. Thanks, but I think fewer options would make the decks easier to use.
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Re: Too many options

Postby Ernie » Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:47 am


The app defaults to a "basic menu" system. While there are two different option screens which might be confusing (Global vs Deck), I think it's not too bad with the basic menu enabled. I know all the options available can be overwhelming.

I'm not sure what you mean about your concern with others using your shared decks. Shared decks are supported to be shared. Do you mean private decks? You can delete your private decks from this server using a link from the upload page.

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Re: Too many options

Postby taiwanshaun » Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:53 am

Ack, please don't remove any options! Having more options is always better, since every user inevitably wants things a little different than everybody else. Giving the user the necessary options means it can be configured to suit a myriad of different needs. Furthermore, I've found that the built-in manual clearly outlines the various options and their corresponding functions. Worst case scenario, I would suggest *BASIC/EXPERT* mode.

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Re: Too many options

Postby Ernie » Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:46 pm

Hey taiwanshaun, yeah, I'm not removing any options. As i get more options, I just bury the more uncommon ones so that new users are not overwhelmed. I do have basic / advanced menu mode currently.
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