No matching cards found (dropbox download)

No matching cards found (dropbox download)

Postby taiwanshaun » Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:03 am

The deck was originally created in a standard UTF-8 text file, and contained 76 rows, here is the header row:
Text 1 Text 2 Text 3 Text 4

It downloaded successfully, and I changed it to use SRS, and also downloaded TTS media files for the deck. However, I recently added some words(rows) to the deck on my computer, synced to dropbox, and using the Flashcard Deluxu app, Edit -> Download -> "Update 1". It then shows "Backing up text", "Downloading text", "reading text", "merging statistics", and then gives me the following error:
'No matching cards found between new download and existing cards. Import canceled. (This is done for safety reasons.)'

After the error occurred, it created a backup of the deck, the headers look like this:
* name Scrabble Two Letter Words
* card-order 3
* show-side-first 2
* max-new-cards 20
* tts-voice 1,0,3,1,0
* slideshow-delay 5,5,5,3,3
* tsv true
* card-layout 1
* layout-string Scrabble:T1,T2,,,,P1,S1|T3,,,,,P3,S3|T4,,,,,P4,S4|,,,,,,|,,,,,,||T3,,,,,P3,S3|T1,T2,,,,P1,S1|T4,,,,,P4,S4|,,,,,,|,,,,,,|||Custom 2:T1,,,,,P1,S1|T2,,,,,P2,S2|T3,,,,,P3,S3|T4,,,,,P4,S4|T5,,,,,P5,S5||T2,,,,,P2,S2|T1,,,,,P1,S1|T3,,,,,P3,S3|T4,,,,,P4,S4|T5,,,,,P5,S5
Text 1 Text 2 Text 3 Text 4 Sound 1 Sound 3 Sound 4 Statistics 1

Does this have something to do with the fact that I downloaded TTS audio files for it? How can I fix this?


Re: No matching cards found (dropbox download)

Postby Ernie » Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:49 am

I don't know the reason. I just tried a test... created some cards on Dropbox, downloaded, added TTS, added a card on Dropbox, and updated (with Edit, Download) and everything seem to work as planned. I suppose it's possible there's a bug there, but I don't know what would be going on. The header information should not be relevant to this error. When it updates it tries to find a match of the text of Text 1 and Text 2 between what is on your device and what is being downloaded. If you compare the new text file with the one in the backup folder, can you notice any reason that the app wouldn't be able to match up something between Text 1 or Text 2 between the two versions?
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Re: No matching cards found (dropbox download)

Postby taiwanshaun » Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:32 am

Hi Ernie, thanks for the assistance. The only difference I could find was in notepad++, the (Deck Before Update) backed up file is detected as "UTF-8 without BOM" and the dropbox file is UTF-8. Other than that, fields Text 1 and Text 2 seem identical Word for word.

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Re: No matching cards found (dropbox download)

Postby Ernie » Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:43 am

You are updating from Dropbox, right? You can try adding a new deck from this new text file to see what is imported... to see if the app is importing as you expect it. Maybe you'll see "garbage" data imported and will shed some light on why things are matching up.

Another option is to export your deck from your device, update that, and try to re-download. This might just be a way to test to see if you get any better results, starting with a more "up-to-date" file before adding new records. This should not be required though, as the only difference between what yo updated and this suggestion are the sound files, I'd guess.

Finally, if you want to email me your two text files (new and the backup) and I can try it out on my end to see if I get any different results.
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Re: No matching cards found (dropbox download)

Postby Guest » Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:48 am

Okay I think I've narrowed down the problem.

This is a section of the Flashcards Deluxe Dropbox automated back-up flashcard text file.

Text 1 Text 2 Text 3 Text 4 Sound 1 Sound 3 Sound 4 Statistics 1
AD ADS 廣告 advertisement AD.m4a 廣告.m4a advertisement.m4a 2,0,3,3,7,6,81,2011-07-31 19:56
HA 哈 sound of surprise HA.m4a 哈.m4a sound of surprise.m4a 3,0,1,1,2,3,0,2011-07-31 19:11

Here are two example rows prior to an update. I added some new rows (did not change any existing ones) to the dropbox text file, and then used Flashcards Deluxe -> Download -> Update 1. After this had finished, *ANY* row which contained a blank for field 'Text 2' was changed to NEW or PENDING, and the previous statistics were also erased. Any row, such as the row for AD, which contained some value in field 'Text 2', remained okay, and their statistics were preserved without any problems.

I work with my flashcards inside Excel, and then copy-paste it to the text file. Sometimes Text 2 has some value and sometimes there isn't one. I didn't realize that was a problem though.

Thanks again,

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Re: No matching cards found (dropbox download)

Postby taiwanshaun » Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:50 am

I forgot to mention, when I say, I added some new rows to the flashcard file, I mean the original, not the dropbox automated backup file(I only copy-pasted in my earlier post from it). To re-iterate, I have not used the backed up file.

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Re: No matching cards found (dropbox download)

Postby Ernie » Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:12 pm

Hey Shaun. I'm away from home and away from internet for the most part for a while. Let me see what I can figure out and I'll get back to you when I can. Sorry for the delay...
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Re: No matching cards found (dropbox download)

Postby taiwanshaun » Sun Jul 31, 2011 4:41 pm

no problem, I appreciate the help.

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Re: No matching cards found (dropbox download)

Postby Ernie » Fri Aug 05, 2011 1:10 pm


I haven't forgotten about you. I'm on vacation until Aug 12 and have limited internet and time. I'm sorry for the slow response. Worst case, I can play around with this and try to figure something out right when I get back.
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Re: No matching cards found (dropbox download)

Postby Ernie » Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:16 am


I couldn't find any problem so far.
1) Are you using the latest version 2.9. This version has slightly different update logic.
2) If there are duplicate cards (side 1 and 2), statistics won't get updated because there are multiple matches. I wonder if this might be a problem, though it would most likely on affect a limited number of cards if this is the case.

If you can recreate the problem, please send me 1) an export of the current data on your device (which should be in the Backups\Deck Before Update\ folder if you tried to update) and 2) a text file of what you are trying to update to. Maybe this will help.

Text 2 missing a value should of course not cause a problem. It seems to work on my end with the latest version and with text data that you sent. The other thing you might try is if you are using Excel, instead of copy-pasting into a text file, save as Unicode format which will create a .txt file you can put in Dropbox.

I'm sorry, I'm just don't know what is going on yet.
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Re: No matching cards found (dropbox download)

Postby taiwanshaun » Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:48 am

Ernie, thanks again for the help.

I've been worried that the statistics might get wiped out again, so what I've been doing is.
1. Export the deck from ipod to dropbox
2. Open in text file notepad++ and copy-paste *new data*, basically just appending it
3. Download into ipod, when it asks me whether I want to which file's statistics I want to use, I tell it to use the dropbox text file's statistics.

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