Statistics in sql backup

Statistics in sql backup

Postby Shaolin » Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:13 pm


As you introduced the dropbox backup I realized it's a sqlite file, but on examining it with a sqlite browser there doesn't seem to be any information about Statistics as in a txt file backup either per download or per mail. The only way is to separately export each Deck which is quite nuisance when having a lot of decks. As there are cards which, during the learning process, have alternate or additional meaning I would like to directly change the backupfile and thus "restore" it within Flashcards DX. So.. I'm just asking if it's possible to add statistics to the dropbox full backup sqlite file. Or maybe I just haven't found it yet..? The only thing I found out is a counter for how many times the card was correctedly answered, but nothing about last time reviewed etc.

Another thing, just out of curiosity. Is it possible to add Ruby to cards, e.g. way of spelling above a character. This would be quite helpful when learning asian languages.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Statistics in sql backup

Postby Ernie » Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:42 pm

You can export multiple decks at once, either through email or dropbox. Export a single deck to dropbox, but in the final export page, you can select all to export all text files at once. I would recommend this to update statistics.

As for the database, yes, statistics are stored in there, but they are in binary format stored in a single field called NumericBlob (the last one) in the Card table. So, it's not easy at all to manipulate. If are a programming wiz and want to mess with a binary string of numbers of different sizes, email me and I'll give you the layout.

Back to the text exports, I have an Excel sheet that helps parse the text string, change a value, and put it back together. In case it's useful: ... Format.xls

As far as ruby characters, I don't know how to do that "cleanly". The only thing I could think of is create an extra line above it, but it wouldn't necessary line up.

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Re: Statistics in sql backup

Postby Shaolin » Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:07 pm

Ah thanks for your fast answer.

As long as the statistics are stored in the datebase it's perfectly fine for me. I saw there are stuff stored in them but wasn't sure whether it was the right one. I don't want to manipulate them (and kinda fool myself :mrgreen: ) but rather just to be sure having a clean backup. As for the multiple export - It's easier by just pressing one button instead of several (yeah I'm very lazy...). Especially when I want to upload a single file to my php/mysql interface for organizing decks and cards. That's why I was pretty happy that you put the backup in a sqlite file.

As for the the Ruby characters.. yeah I thought so that it would be quite a problem and couldn't think myself of any solutions with the iOS framework, but just wanted to be sure.

Thanks a lot again. Your answer, and your app of course too, helped me a lot ^^

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