

Postby Tony » Sun May 22, 2011 11:35 am

Not so much a request here, as just wondering if this is on your list:

Any plans for beefed up reporting down the line? Personally I get a kick out of the Statistics info screen for cards / decks. Deck stats > By Interval is good for seeing how many I've "mastered", Due Date for managing my workload, etc. A few visual helpers like some graphs and maybe a calendar view wouldn't be a bad thing - if you get some time. Maybe a generic info page too - total # of repetitions by deck, overall % correct by deck, anything else you could throw in there.

Some of this is possible with an export and Excel, but it'd be cool to have right in-app some day. :)

Re: Reporting

Postby Ernie » Sun May 22, 2011 1:08 pm

This is kind of on my to-do list, but 1) I don't have a clear idea of what changes I want to make (graphs, calendars - ouch) and 2) I don't think I'll try to tackle this in the very near future (until I get multiple choice done).

One thing that I'm considering though is to show a percentage on the main deck listing representing % complete for SR decks. Assume you have a target interval, say 180 days, then you can add up your current intervals for all cards and calc a % compared with your target. It would be a simple stat, but might be worthwhile to easily see progress over the weeks.
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Re: Reporting

Postby Tony » Sun May 22, 2011 7:26 pm

Yeah, very much understood. Thanks for the reply.

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