Feature request: zoomable pictures in card overwiev

Feature request: zoomable pictures in card overwiev

Postby Newthought » Tue Apr 12, 2011 11:29 pm

Hi erni.

Sometimes i wish i could zoom in on pictures when acessing them through a card (eg while editing the card). Any plans to implement that?

Have a good one. Simon

Ps: and i'm still not happy with the statistics. I'd like one percentage number displaying on the deck list page that states how well i know the deck.

Pps: but rest assured that this app is great. Have two friends of mine using it now as well

Re: Feature request: zoomable pictures in card overwiev

Postby Ernie » Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:57 am

As for the zooming from the edit screen, it's on my to-do list, but it's low priority.

As for the %, are you using spaced repetition (SR)? My feeling about SR is that it's a long term thing with no real ending date, but on the other hand, it's good to see progress. The other problem is that you can't really push SR to increase the progress; you need to wait until the interval is up. Maybe what I can do is assume a target interval, like 3 or 6 months (user settable) and create a percent to target from that. Is this what you are thinking? (I'm going off on a tangent if your are not using SR though.)
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Re: Feature request: zoomable pictures in card overwiev

Postby Newthought » Sat Apr 16, 2011 5:16 am

Hi there

Yeah i am using spaced repetitions. A useful sr-statistic for me would be: the average of the due intervalls of all the cards divided by the max. Intervall length. That percentage would be 100% if every card has reached its max repetition intervall. You,d probably have to display Digits after the decimal point to see daily progress in a deck with a lot of cards, but that would be motivating for me.

Hope this makes sense to you. Greets simon

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