Efficient uploading of many decks

Efficient uploading of many decks

Postby thenightfly42 » Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:42 pm

Hi, I apologize if this has been answered already, I searched as hard as I could.

I'm transferring 114 decks from an old Palm OS flashcard program. I've already figured out how to wrangle the text into the appropriate format, and have successfully uploaded* a few decks.

But I still have a long way to go. What do you find is the quickest, most efficient way to get a whole bunch of decks uploaded to my iPod Touch? Can I use a 'wildcard' when entering the Deck Code on the Touch in order to grab multiple decks simultaneously?

* Note: I didn't realize at first that the 'Deck Code' had to be unique, so I kept reusing it and deleting the first one. Obvious in retrospect, but not to this idiot.
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Re: Efficient uploading of many decks

Postby Ernie » Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:44 pm

Keep your deck codes short, like tnf1, tnf2.

I don't have any feature to download multiple decks at once... unless you use Google Docs. I'm not sure that would work any better for you, but you might try a couple as a test to see if you can upload or copy-paste your text quickly into GDocs. From the app, you can check-off multiple decks at a time (but no select-all). I'm not sure this way is better though.

I'm not a big fan of a whole bunch of decks, so if the topics are the same, you might consider combining some of those and using a category name to give you the ability to filter just select groups.

In the next update, I'll add a little better GDocs support and also add the ability to import/export to Dropbox, so you can put 100 text files in dropbox and download them all at once with select-all, Download.
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Re: Efficient uploading of many decks

Postby thenightfly42 » Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:01 pm

I was trying to figure out the Google Docs method, but I couldn't find a summary of how to do it on your website or in the forum. Do you have a link I could read?
Nevermind, I got Docs working. Yeah, I think that will do quite nicely. I'll look into Categories as well.
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