more theme, please

more theme, please

Postby yk » Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:41 am

hi ernie,

i am bought this app few days ago and i really appreciate your work so far:)

however, i've noticed that there are several types of themes to view the cards, but i couldn't find the theme which actually makes flashcards look like an actual 'flashcard;' you know, the one that has red and blue lines in the back.

hope this visual effect is added in the next update.
thank you,


Re: more theme, please

Postby Ernie » Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:01 am

The main reason this was not added is because I can't line up the text with the lines on the card. For me, it looks cheesy to have lines and then text flowing over the lines with no relationship between the positioning or spacing of the two. I currently don't have any plans to add this. Sorry.
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