word order quiz like duolingo

word order quiz like duolingo

Postby wordorder » Thu Sep 02, 2021 2:13 am

There is a quiz called spelling in flashcards deluxe. And Duolingo also has it and word order quiz. I wish flashcards deluxe had word order quiz. Spelling quiz is good for studying words and word order quiz is good for studying sentences. Do you have any plans to add that quiz?

Re: word order quiz like duolingo

Postby Ernie » Sun Sep 05, 2021 4:28 pm

Hi. I don't have any current plans to add word order tests. This is something I might add eventually, as a few people have requested it, but it's not high up on my priority list right now. Sorry.
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Re: word order quiz like duolingo

Postby Guest » Sun Sep 05, 2021 11:59 pm

Ernie wrote:Hi. I don't have any current plans to add word order tests. This is something I might add eventually, as a few people have requested it, but it's not high up on my priority list right now. Sorry.

Hi. Ernie.

OK. That's a feature I can meet sometime, although you don't have a plan now and it's not a high priority. I'll be looking forward to it.

I'm learning several languages with Duolingo these days, and it's fun to practice sentences by touching words. Although it is less effective than memorizing words by spelling, it is also an effect to get familiar with the eyes often.

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