Timed test?

Timed test?

Postby vr8ce » Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:47 am

Could you add a time element to the existing flashcard choices? That is, for some decks I want to be able to get the answer to a card within three seconds (for example). If I haven't gotten it within three seconds, the program would automatically mark it as wrong and go to the next card.

Re: Timed test?

Postby Ernie » Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:18 pm

My concerns:

1) You are self-grading the cards. You have a decent sense of time. If you feel that you took too long, just mark it wrong. Downside is that it's not exact timing, if that is what you are looking for.

2) If the app just goes to the next card, how do you learn from your mistakes? I suppose if you had "repeat missed" on, then that would work as long as the timing thing was turned off for the repeat missed round.

What I might be more inclined to do is after a set time, give some visual clue that the time is up and you got it wrong. It would still be up to you to make the next move, such as flipping the card and/or moving to the next card. What do you think of this approach?
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Re: Timed test?

Postby Guest » Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:37 pm

1. You don't have a decent a sense of time as you think. :) If you try to keep track of time, you lose concentration on the card. Your brain can't do both very efficiently. Or at least mine can't. So, yes, I am looking for both the exact time, and for me to be able to concentrate completely on the card and not worry about the time.

2. I understand that. Actually, if it automatically flipped the card, that would probably be the best thing; then it's just a single swipe wrong to go to the next card.

Another thought that occurred to me is a complete deck time (in addition to the above per card time). That is, you have two minutes total to get through the deck, and any you don't get to are marked as wrong.


Re: Timed test?

Postby Guest » Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:37 pm

And by "I understand that," I meant "You're right!" :)

Re: Timed test?

Postby Ernie » Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:07 pm

Ok, thanks for the input. I made a note of this stuff. I like it, I just need to fit it in with all the other things on my list.

I would like to get some more game-like or test-like functionality, which tie in to what you are talking about. Anway, I should get to this eventually.
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