feature request - preferences done button

feature request - preferences done button

Postby shiawase » Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:31 am


Is it possible to have a [done] button on the lower levels of settings/preferences. I don't mind tunnelling down to what I want but would then like to exit after setting that pref.

Maybe it's an iOS thing because I see it elsewhere too...


(ps. while I'm asking for features, how about a badge on the icon showing cards to review, like Mail that shows unread emails?)
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Joined: Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:58 am

Re: feature request - preferences done button

Postby Ernie » Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:44 pm

Hi shiawase,

Being able to get out of settings quickly would be nice. I think my main problem is that I use the top right for a help button and there is no space for a "Done" button. I made a note of this and will see if something makes sense.

As for a badge count, the problem here is that it order for it to be useful, it will need to update itself while the app is closed. This is a little tricky. This is on my potentional update list.
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