GDocs NewLine does not work

GDocs NewLine does not work

Postby spitzmuller » Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:00 pm

Hi Ernie

I am using your Google Docs Integration and I love it.... but....

My cards sometimes have quite some text on them, which I format, e.g. like this

1) Things that rock
- Swiss alps
- Flashcards Deluxe
- my sons

2) Things that suck
- some northafrican dictators
- Mondays

3) Things that are neutral
- Switzerland

just an example. The thing is that I use NewLines to separate the entities from one another and 2xNewLine to separate the blocks from another. That used to work well when I used your website to import my pictures onto the iphone (newlines were replaced by pipes). Now with GoogleDocs, 2xNewLine is ignored and becomes 1xNewLine (or at least that is how it is displayed) in the iPhone

Any thoughts on that? Greets Simon
Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:31 pm

Re: GDocs NewLine does not work

Postby Ernie » Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:04 pm

Hi Simon,

Ha ha, your example was the funniest thing I heard/read today.
Yes, there is a problem. I just fixed my code so that the next version will do this right. Sorry about that. Thanks for letting me know!

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Re: GDocs NewLine does not work

Postby spitzmuller » Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:01 am

thanks and have a good one. simon
Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:31 pm

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