Suggestion: more font options for each side(Bold/Italic,etc)

Suggestion: more font options for each side(Bold/Italic,etc)

Postby acetylator » Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:27 am

Hi Ernie, in the meantime I can select font, font size and text align for each side of the deck. Would it be possible to add Bold/Italic/maybe Underline option? The reason: I would like to display first and second side of my deck in a big size and bold, and third side must be displayed in smaller font and normally (e.g. not bold). In the meantime I have to add <b></b> tags to all words in side 1 and 2 and it would be great if I can just set it up in the Font/Alignment menu. Thank you for your consideration.
Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:03 am

Re: Suggestion: more font options for each side(Bold/Italic,

Postby Ernie » Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:33 am

Ok. Thanks for the input. This is going to be a low priority for me, but I'll give this some thought and consider it.

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