

Postby MadCow » Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:52 am

First of all: a huge thanks for implementing Google Docs! I love your program!
I have this huge (3000+) spanish-german Vocab list and gdocs offers the possibility of working and improving the list with other people.
i just wanted to ask if the formatting is different to the "normal" one which applies to Excel?!

Re: GDocs

Postby Ernie » Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:32 am

Formatting is the exact same as for Excel.
I'm curious to see how well this works out for people, so feel free to comment on your experience with this new functionality.

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Re: GDocs

Postby MadCow » Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:04 pm

How does Flashcards deluxe handle multiple sheets?

Oh and i wanted to say that i had no problems with multiple decks and a total of 5000 vocabs on my old ipod toch 1G. it just took two seconds to load a deck. :D
its much faster on the newer models ofc :)

Re: GDocs

Postby Ernie » Mon Feb 14, 2011 1:00 pm

Ha, cool. Glad it worked well.

As for handling multiple sheets... I don't. I didn't even consider this. I did some tests right now, and 1) it seems to always download the original sheet no matter what you name it or what position it's in and 2) If I delete my original sheet it appears I'm screwed and will get an error after that for that spreadhsheet..
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Re: GDocs

Postby MadCow » Mon Feb 14, 2011 1:24 pm

Its working fine so far.
I was just asking about the other sheets, because they can be used for discussions, last update, etc.
Some general information which does not need to be synced.

Thanks for the fast responses!

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