Bluetooth keyboard for data input ...

Bluetooth keyboard for data input ...

Postby BuddyLove » Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:28 pm

I love the program for my study notes but I found it a bit slow to input data and didn't like making to cards and then importing them. I have been creating them directly on my iPhone with an external bluetooth keyboard and this has made things much more efficient. I am generally very happy with this process.
However, when I use the external bluetooth keyboard, half of the screen where the onscreen keyboard usually is does not open up into more writing/reading space. This space just becomes wasted screen space. On other notes type applications including the native notes app this is not an issue. I know this is a small issue, but is there a way to fix this?

Much appreciated and keep up the great work!

Re: Bluetooth keyboard for data input ...

Postby Ernie » Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:30 pm


Is there a way to fix this? Yes, if I programmed it accordingly. I didn't even know that you could view the input screen without a keyboard showing at the bottom, but I guess it makes sense not to have one if your using a bluetooth keyboard.

I'll make a note of this. This is not going to be a high priority for me by any means, but I'll probably get to eventually.
Thanks for the info!

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