help with reinstating card into short term mode!? pls!!

help with reinstating card into short term mode!? pls!!

Postby mattleon » Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:38 am


I am using the short term mode and its great - but there is one thing Id like to be able to do and either dont think you can, or i just dont know how!

Basically, once a card has been learnt and earnt enough strikes to be taken from the pack, I want to be able to reinstate it back in to the pack sometimes!!

Im studying the knowledge (the training to be a London Cabby) and i have thousands of points of interest on there, and some - even though i earnt the 10 strikes - eventually start to fade from my memory, so what i would like to do is using the search function, go to the selected card, and put it back in to the pack of "unlearnt" cards again. Iv looked everywhere but just cannot find out how to do it.

Is this possible? And if not - i think it would be great to implement in a future update! ??? :-)

Thanks for the best app out there though - it really is an awesome little program and it is helping me more than you would believe!

Thanks, Matt

Re: help with reinstating card into short term mode!? pls!!

Postby Ernie » Sat Feb 05, 2011 7:51 pm

Hi Matt,

There is a setting that says... if the streak gets to 10, hide the card. I don't really have a way to reset the streak for just 1 card... you'd have to do it for all cards. But...

You can turn the feature off that hides cards after a certain streak. I think this is all you want... it's probably better than what you describe because you don't need to manually reset them. Go to Deck Options, Card Order, Spaced Repetition Settings (at bottom) and change "Remove After Reach Goal" to "No". Once the cards get to 10, they'll still be shown as normal, but they should be shown infrequently... hopefully just enough to keep it fresh. If you find that they are repeating too often, turn this setting back to "Yes" for awhile. What do you think about this solution? Do you think I need a better one?

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Re: help with reinstating card into short term mode!? pls!!

Postby mattleon » Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:32 pm

Hi Ernie,

Thanks for the reply! ok i get you!... I will give that a try and I suppose what i can then do for the points (cards) i know i will never ever forget is to just "exclude" them and then that way I hopefully wont get too many reappearances of cards that i know well and therefore waste time on answering.

I think this solution might be okay but i'll have to let you know after a while of a trial run! :-)) I quite often forget a card you see and then search it and wished they had an option like "reset goal to 0" or something like that so that it goes back into the cards. I hope that makes sense!! And if that is a feature that could be added quite easily then that would be great.

Thanks for your help - and again, let me say how great a programme this is. I used about 3 / 4 other flashcard apps before this and they were all rubbish - or quite good - but required a lot of work to get them to work!! This programme, by copying excell and just pasting it here is so bloody good i cannot tell you and every other "knowledge boy" out there who iv told about this app is also madly in love with it. It may sound like a cliche but I literally dont think i would be getting through my study so well without it, so thankyou - I'll owe you a beer when its done! haha.

Re: help with reinstating card into short term mode!? pls!!

Postby Ernie » Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:30 pm

"I'll owe you a beer when its done!"

Ha, sounds great!
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