Lost decks during iphone restore

Lost decks during iphone restore

Postby shniggysaurus » Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:11 am

I see alot of these posts but couldn't quite find what I'm looking for. So i restored my iphone 4 just now. I went from jailbroken back to regular 4.2.1. I saved the large folder in the mobilesync/backup folder to a safe locatio just in case. Itunes now doesn't recognize the backup no matter what I try (any help with that would be awesome), but is there a way to identify which file in the backup folder is the backup for flashcards deluxe? If I could just overwrite the file in the newly created backup folder then maybe I could get my decks and statisitics back??

thanks for the help with this great app!

Re: Lost decks during iphone restore

Postby Ernie » Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:41 am

I don't know how to do this. I see what looks like files for each app (long string of characters), but in addition to replacing this, you'd probably have to update files such as Manifest.mbdb so the restore process would know what to do with it. One task may be to figure out what which file is for Flashcards Deluxe. One of the mdb or plist files may tell you that. As I mentioned, I doubt you could just copy that forward and be done. The database is called "flashcards.sql". If you can somehow find that and extract it, you'd be good to go. (Either send it to me or use the Setting app to trigger and import of this database to FCD.)

Sorry I can't help more. I have the ability to export all your decks as text files from within the app by email. This is a good way to back up. I'll be providing other ways to backup in the future. Consider these in addition to the iTunes backup... for next time.

Good luck,
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