unzip fail

unzip fail

Postby bam » Fri Jan 28, 2011 12:42 am

Hi Ernie!

I successfully uploaded my flashcards. But when I try to upload my zipped sound files (6M of mp3s), I get the following error:
Problem unzipping file.E:\web\aisms000000\htdocs\Flashcards\

I can load the individual sound files just fine. But naturally I'd like to batch upload if at all possible.
Sure wish I could use Dropbox but I'm located in China and Dropbox is blocked.

I've also tried uploading a smaller zip file (720k) with 10 mp3s -- same error.

Please advise. Deck code is bamu

Re: unzip fail

Postby bam » Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:55 am

Seems like your server doesn't like the file name 'con.mp3'. When I changed it to 'con1.mp3', the upload worked. Does that make sense?

Re: unzip fail

Postby Ernie » Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:21 am

No, it doesn't make sense. Ha. Maybe there is some issue with the unzip routine or maybe your zip format is a bit peculiar. Are you using Window's built in zip function to zip? If you want, email me a zip file that doesn't work and I'll look into it. Sorry about that.

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Re: unzip fail

Postby bam » Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:48 pm

I'm using the zip function in linux (ubuntu lucid). I tried dropbox again and whatdyaknow? It's not blocked! So I was able host everything from dropbox without a prob. a very nice solution!

I think the upload problem might have been related to a timeout. It does take a bit of time to upload from China. The smaller I made the zip file, the more successful the download became. Still the file con.mp3 would not upload no matter what. Weird. But since everything's working now it doesn't matter.

Love your app Ernie! Looking forward to more enhancements!

Re: unzip fail

Postby Ernie » Sat Jan 29, 2011 8:35 am

Glad you got it working.

A timeout issue is very possible. I think my upload will timeout after 2 minutes 10 seconds. My attempts to fix this (after upgrading my server) were not succesful, but I need to revisit this.
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