upgrade from one to two statistics sets

upgrade from one to two statistics sets

Postby spitzmuller » Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:49 pm

Hi there Ernie

Hope the next version is coming along fine... can't wait to have Google Docs integration, it would be the last big missing feature for me in your great app.

Aaanyway. I have a question that I didn't find an answer for in the forum, so I ask direktly: I have a spanish card deck - one side german, the second side spanish. So far, i used spaced repetitions an the "show side first" setting was set to "random" so that I could study both directions. Now with the new version you support multiple statistic sets and I wanted to use this feature by setting "Statistics Sets" to 2. I was expecting the app to begin test me on the spanish-german-direction, but it kept asking me both directions. What do the settings have to be for this to work?

Greets Simon
Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:31 pm

Re: upgrade from one to two statistics sets

Postby Ernie » Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:22 pm

Hi Simon,

You set a deck to statistics set 1 OR 2. It will use only that one setting... it won't automatically switch depending on what side of the card is shown first. These two are completely independent things in the app....

Change your deck to side 1 first. This will be an A->B testing only deck. Use stat set 1.
Create a combo deck and add the above deck. Set it to show side 2 first. Use stat set 2. This will test B->A and be on it's own schedule.
This is how the app is set up to work.

I've started work on Dropbox, but not google docs. We'll see how I progress. I'll be submitting a new version any day now, but it won't have this dropbox work yet.

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Re: upgrade from one to two statistics sets

Postby spitzmuller » Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:07 pm

Thanks for your hint... works flawlessly now!

Hate to critizise a great app (you hear that alot) but...

- all those settings hidden in different, not so apparent places... if you know the app you're fine but if you're a novice it's kinda confusing. But you mentioned in your blog you'd work on that next so I figure the next update will clean up things a little bit.
- about dropbox support: I use it to store my pictures and it works perfectly. Not sure how you can top that... but I guess I'll see

BTW: do you spend alot of time answering the questions in the forums everyday?

Greets from Switzerland Simon
Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:31 pm

Re: upgrade from one to two statistics sets

Postby Ernie » Wed Jan 26, 2011 11:12 am

As for settings all over the place... I do my best to organize it. I've got so many settings. Two main setting areas are 1) Global and 2) Deck specific. I'm not sure if I'll try to combine all settings into a single screen at some point. Might be a good idea. The next update will default to a "simplified" menu system for new users, which just means I hide some of the settings so that users aren't overwhelmed. Viewing the full menu system is mostly the same.

Dropbox... and want to export to Dropbox also. Also when importing, you'd see a list of your decks on your dropbox account and you can check the decks you want to import/update. I want similar features for Google docs, but timing just depends how long it takes for me to program it all.

As for customer service, I don't really pay attention on how long too much. I probably spend 30 minutes per day between forum posts and personal emails.
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