Question about "Cards to Study" in the Space Rep Card Order

Question about "Cards to Study" in the Space Rep Card Order

Postby philosopherdog » Wed Jan 12, 2011 7:27 am

Hi Ernie,
Just wanted to say that I'm totally loving Flashcards. Thanx for all your great work on this awesome app.

Anyhow, I'm using the spaced rep card order and I'm trying to find the sweet spot for cards to come up that I should be working on. I'd like new cards to come up right away, and then ones that I'm having trouble with to come up a few times and once I know them for them to come up in a spaced rep way. What settings should I use? Under the cards to study option tab what are the defaults? I didn't see that in the help file. I had mine set to <=0 for the streak. I assume that means that it only shows card that I have never gotten right, namely new ones, since I have it set to show wrong card again until I get the right the first time. So if I set it to <=1 then this will show all new ones that I've given the side swipe to but not the up swipe. Now I guess what I'm confused about here is that if I don't set the streak to a certain minimum (is it 3?) then they will never enter the spaced rep algorithm. I'm confused. I wonder if you could explain this. Also the show percentage correct I have just set to all for now. I'm not sure about that setting and whether that will help me with what I'm trying to achieve. The global settings for the spaced rep I have left at their defaults.
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Re: Question about "Cards to Study" in the Space Rep Card Or

Postby Ernie » Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:18 pm

In Spaced Rep (SR), the cards will show up after a timed interval (e.g. 3 days). This interval will increase and decrease depending on your answer. When studying Active cards, you can see the current interval and what the new interval will be depending on your answer at the bottom of the screen.

SR has a feature where you learn New cards 10 at a time. (You can change this to 20, for example if you like). After getting a card correct 3 times in a row, it will become after and start getting scheduled. This seems to be what you described... get familiar with a card, then have start getting scheduled in SR. When you tap your deck, it will ask if you want to study new cards, or study cards that are due.

In cards to study, I would not change the defaults, which are "All", "All", "No", OFF. Yes, setting steak to "<=0" will only show cards you haven't gotten correct. These options are not really suited for SR. (The are better suited for the other card order options.) I would recommend leaving these as their default settings and let the SR process do it's thing. SR is fairly simple... all cards start as pending... add cards to a 10 card new deck... after 3 correct from the new deck move card to "active". Active cards are scheduled based on their interval and are tested again when due (their interval is up).

"Now I guess what I'm confused about here is that if I don't set the streak to a certain minimum (is it 3?) then they will never enter the spaced rep algorithm." The default is "All" which means don't add any additional filtering/limiting of the cards. If you set show streak to "<=3", then once a streak gets above 3 the card is removed from study. This is not what you want.

Once you are a little more familiar with SR, you might want to look at the SR settings. I have more info about SR here if you love to read:

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Re: Question about "Cards to Study" in the Space Rep Card Or

Postby philosopherdog » Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:37 pm

Excellent. Thanx. If it's not too much trouble could you tell me what the default settings are for the following SR settings:

New to active after:
postpone until due:
first interval after correct:
first interval after strong:
minimum interval:
max interval:
max after wrong:
wrong factor:
correct factor:
strong factor:
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Re: Question about "Cards to Study" in the Space Rep Card Or

Postby Ernie » Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:01 am

All of these should be documented either in the input screen or associated help screen.

New to active after: 3
postpone until due: Off
first interval after correct: 20 hours
first interval after strong: 3 days
minimum interval: 8 hours
max interval: 365 days
max after wrong: 6 days
wrong factor: 0.5
correct factor: 1.4
strong factor: 2.2
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