rating system

rating system

Postby yeaho » Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:51 pm

nice app btw...
I wanted to propose a new feature, like a rating system.
It shall give you points for your learning progress on each separate deck. It would be possible to compare decks regarding difficulty and thereby adjust settings (intervals/multiplicator) or learn about one's strengths and weaknesses in order to dedicate more time/attention to the ladder. And it might be interesting to know. So it should serve for several purposes, so there should be various algorythms for calculating different kinds of information.
Sometimes when I go through a lot of cards and make many mistakes, kicking cards on stage 10 back to 0, I wonder, if this session wouldn't be rather contraproductive. Of course I learn something, but you know... I could use some hard information to tell me to try a little harder.
But after thinking for a while, it occurred to me, that this would be rather difficult.

Re: rating system

Postby yeah » Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:55 pm

part two:
The easiest way would be to multiply the number of cards with it's stages and everything up. But this strongly from the time you spent on it: more cards - more points. So you should divide it through the total number of active cards. But you still have to count in the spent learning time, to get info about the difficulty. And maybe the settings? And how many new cards are learned in a certain time, because they produce mistakes and lower the average. You see?
I wouldn't exactly know how to do it, only that it's difficult. But you created this app, so you're smart, you'll figure something out.
Thanks for reading my maccaronico english :)

PS: Your board software keeps error messaging on me when submitting. It seems, it doesn't like the accent on the maccaronies...
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:08 am

Re: rating system

Postby Ernie » Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:04 pm

Hey yeaho,

Wow, I didn't get enough sleep for all this. I agree that people want to know how they are progressing, what they should be focusing on, and be able to see definitive progress to keep them motivated. In the short term goal mode, and show a % complete, using a target streak at a goal. I think this is a nice measure. Spaced repetition doesn't have such an obvious measure, though I should work on improving that. I'm not sure how I'd want to incorporate time or how I would calculate and use a difficulty rating. You bring up some good ideas and I'll be thinking about these in the future.

As for why your accent didn't want to post, I'm not sure. Sorry about that.
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