For example, while studying for the California Bar Exam, I created some 34 decks in my "BarExam" folder, to cover all of the topics. Granted, I used more decks than actual topics required for the exam, but that was for personal reasons, to make it easier to focus on sub areas of the law within a broader topic.
In these 34 decks for the bar exam, I would occasionally come across a card I knew was slightly off from some other area of my study, but the actual correct edit wasn't handy at the moment. It would be buried in my notes, flagged in OneNote somewhere. So, I would flag the card for a later "perfection".
The problem is, in order to go back and find all the flagged cards in my 34 decks, I have to enter each deck, set it show flagged cards only, run through them, make the corrections.
Wouldn't it be cool if you could just view all of the flagged cards at once, across all decks, in a folder?
It's kind of esoteric, I know, but personally, I would have found that a useful feature for "perfecting" cards along the way . . . .
Food for thought anyway.
Thanks so much. Love this app.