Going on holiday

Going on holiday

Postby doctorjpw » Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:49 pm

Hi Ernie,

I am off on holiday soon, which is great, and for it to be a real holiday, i won't be working on my flashcards whilst i am away.
Typically i need to review 100 flashcards a day, so being away for two weeks, might mean i return with over a 1000 to review. This might be possible, but it is a little dispiriting.

My question is therefore: is there a neat way to either pause the scheduling for the duration of the holiday?
I think i know how to do it by exporting to excel, manually editting the statistics, and then reimporting but i think that would be quite time consuming.

Any thoughts?



Re: Going on holiday

Postby Ernie » Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:57 pm

Hi Jonny,

This is on my to-do list, but I currently don't have a way to pause the scheduling for a while.

Like you suggested, you can do this in Excel. I created some formulas that should help if you are interested. The steps would be: export your deck to Excel (with statistics). Open up my spreadsheet below and paste your statistics data in column A. Copy the formulas down. Update the number of days you want to postpone in column R. (Really what you are doing is moving forward the last review time.) Copy the resulting statistics string in column T back to your master excel file. Import back to app. Sorry I don't have an easier way, but hopefully it will be pretty easy if you decide to try this method out.

http://orangeorapple.com/Flashcards/Sta ... Format.xls

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