Display Deck name when editing the Cards

Display Deck name when editing the Cards

Postby mchinsomboon » Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:34 am

It would be useful to display the name of the current Deck, that I'm currently editing Cards for. Perhaps display at the top.

For example, I'm creating cards, while flipping between another app (iAnnotate) where I can read/review/select from my PDF files. I'll select text from the PDF and create cards, but it's not always for the same Deck as the previous one, and it may be minutes or hours between a switch back. Of course, I can tell what Deck I'm in but reading of the cards, but it would speed things up just a tad to see it right up front. My scenario is that I'm studying for the bar exam, and doing multiple choice questions that are randomly ordered, so when I want to create a card, it's not always the same sequential subject (and I have different Decks for different Subjects). Of course, I could also back all the way out each time after a card entry, but it's just a lot of back-forth (and the next one could be for the same Deck).

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Re: Display Deck name when editing the Cards

Postby Ernie » Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:33 pm

As of now, you need to back out to the study screen so you can see the deck name at the top of the screen (assuming you are showing it). Ok, let me think about this. Most people probably don't need this and it would add more clutter to the screen, but I can see it being worthwhile sometimes. I'll consider it...
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