Statistics screwed up when downloading cards from google doc

Statistics screwed up when downloading cards from google doc

Postby spitzmuller » Tue May 24, 2011 4:38 pm

Hi Ernie

I updated to your new 2.8 Version of FCDL and after a while updated my cards on the iphone with my google doc ones. In 2.7. the app asked me wether I wanted to keep statistics for the cards already present and I usually tapped ok, everything worked fine. With 2.8, it doesn't work and I suddenly have 300 new cards (which i already know) and wrong statistics. Am I doing something wrong? Has anybody else had this problem.

And when I download the Backup your pushing onto Goggle Docs before the update (with statistiks on them), all cards are classified as new.

Any help? Greets Simon
Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:31 pm

Re: Statistics screwed up when downloading cards from google

Postby Ernie » Tue May 24, 2011 5:22 pm

Simon, can you post or email me the .xls files that 1) is in your Flashcards Deluxe folder and 2) was saved in your backup folder... so I can take a look at it? (Export to .xls.)

I just tried this out myself and didn't notice any problem with losing stats.

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Re: Statistics screwed up when downloading cards from google

Postby Ernie » Tue May 24, 2011 8:02 pm

Simon: Did you mention a bug in Google Docs where multiple new-lines don't get imported correctly? This should be fixed now.
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